Chapter Sixty

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"Miss Melinda Scotts, may we know what your relationship is with the accused?"The prosecuting lawyer asked.

"She is my boss."

"What do you do for her?"

"I am her butler and cook."

"Very well Miss Scotts. Can you tell the jury and all those present here what you saw when you ran up to your mistress' room on the 25th of September, 2021?"

Melinda had already taken an oath to say the truth and nothing but the truth. She looked at Liana before answering the question.

"It was around midnight on the said date that we heard two gunshot sounds followed by a loud scream. I didn't know where the scream came from. Nevertheless, I went out of my room and realized it was coming from the boss' bedroom. I met Daniel in the living room who was also alarmed by the sound and together, we ran upstairs to their room. When we got there, Mrs. Miller was on the floor and eerily quiet with tears rolling from her eyes. We didn't understand it until we moved further into the room where we saw Mr. Miller's body and that of Miss Middleson's lifeless on the floor."

"Did you see any weapon of any form in the room?"

"Objection my Lord!" Felix Whiteman shouted, finding the question inappropriate.

"Overrule!" the presiding Judge, Justice Arnold Buckman said, motioning for the prosecuting attorney to continue with his question.

"Thank you, your honour. Now to my question, Miss Scotts, did you see any weapon in the room and if yes, where was it?"

"Y-yes, I saw a gun, it was by Mrs. Miller."

"Is it the same as this?" He raised a ziplock that had a golden gun in it.

"Y-yes, that is it." She murmured. She wished she could do something to save her boss yet here she was giving her away to be crucified all because she swore to say the truth.

"Your honor, this weapon was found at the crime scene and I believe that it is the same weapon she committed her vicious act with. To prove this, a DNA test has been conducted on the fingerprint found on this weapon." He handed the brown envelope which contained the test to the judge and turned to Melinda to continue with his questions.

"Miss Scotts, can you also tell us what the relationship is between Mr.Miller and Miss. Middleson and what she is to the Millers."

"She was their son's nanny, and her job is to be with him at every given time when he is not in school."

"Okay, so did you notice any change in her way of doing her job and how often does she go close to Mr. Miller?"

"Miss Middleson often goes out with Mr.Miller in the absence of his wife. I caught them one time and warned the young lady to be careful considering how nice Mrs. Miller is to her."

"So do you suggest Mr. Miller was cheating on his wife with the nanny?"

"Well no, I have not seen them in the act but what I noticed is they mostly spent time together and even at home they steal glances at each other."

"Did you ever tell your mistress about your observations?"

"No, I didn't"

"Why didn't you? Because you know they are not cheating?" He pressed her for an answer.

"No! Because I didn't want them to have problems. I didn't want to be the one to break their marriage and home."

"On that fateful night, was both of them clothed when you got to the crime scene?

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