Chapter Fifty-Three

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Liana's POV

Going through the day was not easy. What happened today at the courthouse made me believe that Pharrell can do anything and everything to get what he wants. I tried as much as possible to not let that intimidate me. What I couldn't help to do was to think about the possibility of him tampering with the new test because this is the only chance that I have to prove that my son is not his. Anytime the thought crosses my mind, I assured myself that it's the court that is conducting the test and not him, so there is no way he will know where the test is being conducted.

"You sure are still naive," I said to myself. It is very easy for him to find out where and who is in charge of the test.

A knock on the door startled me. Thus, it took a while to answer. Melinda walked into the room with a tray in her hand. She placed it on the table beside the bed.

"Ma'am, please eat something. Sir said I should inform you that he is going to the club and wouldn't be back until tomorrow."

"Okay, you can go." I murmured so low that I am sure Melinda would have missed it if I hadn't gestured with my hand that she should leave.

I held the phone in my hand, watching as it rang. Melinda was long gone but the message from Heath she delivered was making me furious.

"Hello." His familiar voice answered from the other end of the call.

"Have I become so unbearable that you send Melinda to deliver messages? I was in this room with you a while ago, what prevented you from telling me that you will be going to work?"

"I am sorry baby. When I finished my dinner, a call came in that I am needed urgently at the club."

He answered calmly. "Don't worry. There is a minor problem here. I will get back home immediately I am done solving it." He assured me. From his voice, I knew he was being genuine so I gave in.

"Okay, I will wait for you. There is something I want you to help me with."

"Okay, babe, I will be home before you know it. Now give me a smile." I let out a small smile which turned into a bigger one when he asked me whether I am smiling.

"Are you sure you are smiling?"

"Ye-yes I am." I laughed so he can hear me.

"Good girl. I will be home to you soon. I love you."

My heart swelled hearing him say that. This is not the first time he has said it but it was like something I needed at this time when everything is falling apart.

"I love you too." I spoke like a stupid college girl speaking to her crush. I smiled so hard my jaw started to hurt. I have never smiled this wide.

"Take care of yourself until I get back to take care of you. Bye."

"Okay babe I will. Drive safely."

Third Person's POV

"Hey, are you okay?"......... He asked but was met with silence. He had to tap the young girl who had unknowingly zoned off.

"Ye-yeah what did you say?"

"Hey, what are you thinking about? It must be something interesting."

"Oh, it's nothing. Only thinking about mum. She wants me to quit my job and come home."

"Ohh Okay. But do you want that?"

"Hell no. I love being with you and Junior. He is now like a little brother to me. And you......." She paused, briefly locking eyes with him........."have become so important to me."

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