Chapter Fifty-Eight.

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She stuttered. It had been a long time since she last saw her sister-in-law. She moved away to California when she got married to Freddy. He had started a new business there, so he moved with her and their twins.

"I heard something, please tell me it's not true, please tell me you didn't do it." She asked as calmly as she could. She was informed about the demise of her brother two days ago, but till now, she has refused to believe it. She is completely in denial that her beloved sister-in-law would do something like that to her brother. Moreover, she doesn't believe he is gone.

"Please tell me he is still alive and that this is one of those fake news." She said with hope in her eye. For two days she had seen pictures of her brother and this lady flashing on TV screens and newspapers, but not for once did she believe any of what she heard. Not even when the police called her. She believes she knows her sister-in-law too well to believe that she will do this.

Now standing before her asking for answers, she was tempted to believe it. Liana's sorrowful eyes and how she had bowed her head, not being able to look at her in a way, confirmed that what she had been hearing might be true. When she landed, this is where she opted to go first and now she was starting to regret it.

"Liana, I am talking to you. Where is my brother? Why are you here and why are you looking this wretched?" She asked, this time yelling, trying to remain strong.

"Look at me, I am talking to you!." She roughly held Liana's jaw and forcibly raised her head up, "is what I am hearing true? Tell me!" She shouted, this time, her sclera was turning red and her teeth were gritted.

"Pl-p-please let me go." Liana sobbed sadly, too weak to even stand. She was feeling uneasy, dizzy, sleepy and everything was becoming blurred. Before any of them could comprehend, she blacked out, allowing her body to fall. Amanda moved just in time to hold her from falling onto the floor.

"Help! Help! Please help!." At the sound of her voice, two cops rushed in.

"Madam, please you have to go." One told her.

"No, I can't. She is my sister-in-law. We need to take her to the hospital"

"We will do that, ma'am, but you have to go. Don't worry, a doctor will check her."

"But I can't leave. I want to know what is wrong with her."

"Okay, let's do it this way. Why don't you wait outside? We will let you know what is wrong with her when the doctor examines her. Is that okay?

She didn't like the idea of leaving her, yet the other cop intimidated her and she left. The thoughts of her brother were long gone as she prayed and wept that nothing happens to Liana. If anything happens to her, she will be blamed. For the first time in a long time, she prayed an earnest prayer.

Hours passed, but she heard nothing. She was worried and confused. Is she dead? Did she kill her? Why did she even touch her? She taunted herself.

"Mrs. Chadson!" A cop she recognized from earlier called her.

She literally ran to him, almost knocking him off.

"Yes! how is she? is she awake? Can I see her?" She questioned, without stopping to breathe.

"Please come with me." She followed suit. They walked to a different block of the department and only stopped by a door that was labeled as the infirmary. The cop knocked and opened the door for her to enter.

"Doctor Miles, this is her sister-in-law."

"Okay thank you, officer, you can wait for her outside." The room remained quiet until the cop left.

"Good evening Miss."

"Good evening doctor." She answered, sitting at the edge of the seat.

"Please relax, she is alright." At the doctor's words, she released the breath she was holding in.

"I am relaxed now, please tell me. What happened to her?"

"Ermm, nothing serious. She is weak because there was no food in her."

"Oh, that explains why she fainted. Than....."

"No, that is not the reason."

"W-What is it then? Why did she faint?"

"She is pregnant! Two months pregnant and I would be surprised if she didn't know about it yet."

Amanda was left speechless. She covered her mouth with her hands to gesture how shocked she was.


They were all wasted now and talking nonsense. Some of them stood on the tables, dancing, still in a jubilating mood. Their leader Pharrell, though drunk, called for more shots and, for the hundredth time, the waitress, sent a tray of shots around.

"Cheers to Heath in the grave."

He toasted and sipped the alcohol, wincing when it burned his throat. "Victory tastes good," he proclaimed.

Sooner than later, they all lost contact with reality, and at that moment, most of them were hallucinating. Including Pharrell.

"Yes, I have killed you. I have used one stone to kill two birds. I am so happy you are dead, you traitor!. How could you even think of marrying my baby mama? Liana is mine. If I can't have her, no one will. Now go, leave me alone. The dead has no business with the living. Go and rot in hell!" He laughed out loud.

"Damn! That girl Anne was so brilliant, she pulled this off without any problem. It's too bad that she is dead too. But it's a win-win for me. That way no one will know. Rest in hell mate. Fare thee well."


"With the power vested in me as a judge of the state, I pronounce you husband and wife." The judge pronounced, giving them the go-ahead to have their first kiss as husband and wife.

"Mr. Heath Miller, you may now kiss your bride."

The congregation, which was made up of Amanda, her boyfriend Freddy, Gladys, and Mr. Gonzales applauded, congratulating them. It was a very private ceremony at the courthouse, meaning no one, including the paparazzi, knew that Heath was getting married. It would have been published in all the newspapers and blogs which would let Pharrell and his wife know that Liana was still alive.

"Congratulations sister-in-law, welcome to the family!" Amanda exclaimed, so excited for her brother. "I knew you were the one for him. You have really humbled my brother."She said out loud and everyone laughed at that.

She opened her eyes, her dream coming to an end. A frown appeared on her face as she tried remembering what happened to her and where she was. Her head hurt with each memory she remembered.

"Where am I?"

Hello guys, hope you are well. Sorry, there was no update yesterday. I was not around. It seems like a lot of people voted for bound by her oath and then Maid in Seattle but the most votes were for maid in Seattle so that will be what I will be publishing next. If you don't agree, please say so. If you do, please give me a 'thumps up' emoji or a 'yes'

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