Chapter Forty-Three

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There were other things that had occupied her mind on her flight back to the USA. She was not frightened as she had traveled a couple of times over the years. Whenever she sits on a plane, she recollects her first encounter and she thinks of Velma and where she could be. It had been years since she last heard from her. If she could recall, the day she left her house was the last she spoke to her. She wonders whether she still harbors any grudge against her. She had tried seeking her out at her house but she met a different family, who made it known to her that she had sold her house to them two years ago.

This time was an exception because her mind was far away from the thought of flight fright and Velma. She thought of Gladys and her babies and also her own problem. For the first time in a week, she thought of her legal battle over her son. She only has a week to prove his paternity, and she knew Pharrell wouldn't make things easy for her. She only hoped that at the end of it all she would have peace to raise her son and family.

She adjusted her seat so she could relax. She has a meeting in the morning when they land, hence she thought it wise to get some sleep. In as much as her problems crowded her, she was excited that she was going back. The thought of seeing her son again strengthened her and, with the image of a smiling Junior on her mind, she drifted to sleep. She woke up now and then to visit the washroom, have a sip of water, or for no apparent reason. This was the only time within the week that she had had a good rest. Even before she came to Spain, she couldn't sleep because her thoughts about Heath cheating on her didn't permit her to.

Pharell's POV

"Mark time is far spent. Don't you think this girl is just delaying us so we wouldn't be able to present the DNA to the jury?"

"I thought so too at first, but I checked with the airport and, truly, she is out of the country. The news I gathered is that she has gone to Spain for a funeral."

"Funeral? That girl has no one and no relatives in Spain so whose funeral was so important that she had to fly out? I do not believe all this. I am done with the waiting. Tomorrow we will go for the child and conduct the test with your doctor. I don't need his mother's consent. He is my son too after all and I have equal rights to him as she does."

Mark kept quiet, choosing his next words carefully before he spoke up.

"But Smith, Heath won't allow it. He is so overprotective of that child."

"Forget that fool man. He can't stop me from taking my own son."

"I know Man. but you are right. We can't wait any longer. I will get a permit from the judge tomorrow. With that, Heath will be powerless and we will take the child without any problems."

"Okay, I will be waiting for you." Those were his final words to his lawyer before the line went dead. He was in the midst of four friends that have recently become so important to him. He had promised Carmine that he wouldn't drink anymore yet he failed. That is where these friends come in. When he is around them, he doesn't care about getting drunk because they regulate him and don't allow him to get drunk. On days that he does, one of them takes him to his house and calls Carmine to tell her that they are having a sleepover so that she wouldn't worry.

"Hey man, what is wrong?" Daniel who sensed the change in his friend asked, bringing the other's attention to him.

"It's the legal battle for my son. It's stressing me out."

"Don't worry. It will soon be over and you will have the child." He assured him.

"You never cease to amaze me Pharrell, upon everything you did to this girl, you still had the shame and guts to send her to court to fight over a child you denied? I pity this girl who innocently fell for your games." Beau who is mostly known for talking bluntly said. He was one of the guys who laughed at Liana when she fell down the stairs in Heath's house during their lunch with him. He was pathetic then but the years had dealt with him and taught him a thing or two about wisdom. Now he feels awful for mocking her.

"Hey, that is not what he needs to hear right now. What is your problem man?"Andrew rebuked Beau.

"That's the problem with all of you. You are like him. You hate to hear the truth. I know he is our friend but he is wrong. He should let the girl be. He nearly killed his girl when she fell down the stairs when she was pregnant. Instead of helping her, he laughed at her and told us not to help her. And to think I laughed too is so embarrassing.

"So what? That girl is a gold-digger who wanted to destroy his family." Andrew defended.

Pharrell was unusually quiet. He was fuming with anger and it was only a matter of time before he erupts that anger on Beau.

"Andrew, you are despicable. I do not know how I got such friends like you. Because of you, Pharrell, my friendship with Heath suffered. Now, I have seen the wickedness he saw in y.........."

"Enough! Enough Beau. If you dare say one more word I will kill you!" He yelled with his nose flaring. If looks could kill, then he wouldn't need a gun to kill his friend.

"Don't you dare talk about that traitor before me, unless you want me to consider you as one!"

"You are the traitor to yourself. You are your own enemy and one day your actions will lead you into trouble." He advised, reached out to his glass, and threw its contents into his mouth, allowing it to travel down his esophagus.

"I hope you listen to my advice before you make a fool of yourself." This statement caused Pharrell to round their table to Beau's side, got hold of him, and held him by the collar of his shirt. He was towering over him due to his height. He was a full two inches taller than him and he was bulkier than Beau making it easy for him to bully him.

"Why are you such a fool Beau, can't you keep your fucking mouth shut! I like you very much but it turns out I made friends with a lunatic. Get out of here and don't you ever show your face to me ever again. He released his hold, hardly pushing him to the floor where he winced from the impact the ground had with his butt. It was sad that a man of Pharrell's age and caliber will still be bullying his friends. His other three friends were quiet, afraid that he will cut ties with them too. They are not with him because they like what he is doing, but because of what they gain from him. They like the attention they get for being a popular guy's friend. As a result of their friendship with him, they have been able to bag a lot of business deals and they get a little taste of the limelight. He is like their leader so if they stand up against him, they will lose the privileges.

"Don't worry, I don't wish to see the face of a demon anymore. You can trust me on this." He stood up from the ground, dusted his pants, and walked out on them.

"Aghhhhh!" Pharrell let out his frustration. He pushed the empty chairs away. He felt like hitting someone and since he couldn't hit his friends, he sent that frustration to the chairs. Everything was working against him and as it is now, he stands to lose everything if he loses the battle with Liana. The boy is all he needs to stand on his feet again so if he doesn't have him, that will be the end of him.

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