Chapter Sixty-Five

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"What is your plan?"

"Why don't we play along with Mr. Smith's plan. That way I will be safe and you and your wife will be too. He has already paid me for the job and I used that money to pay my fees. If I don't do as he says he will kill me and also let someone kill you and your wife but if we all play along with the plan, we will be fine."

"What do I care if he kills you? I can protect my family. I do not need to play along with a sinister plan. Do you even know who you are talking to? In case you do not know, I am Heath Miller, The don of Texas. The most feared boss around here. And if you will ask me, I think you should be afraid of me too. Do not take my leniency as my weakness. Who the hell do you think you are to suggest that to me.!"

"I-i-i-i- only want to help."

"We do not need your help. Get out of my room!" He bellowed, causing her to dash out of the room in fear. By the time she made it downstairs, she was grasping for air, like an athlete who had just finished a 400 meters race. She has bent down with her hands on her knees and thoughts of how to get out of this mess bugged her mind. She wondered whether she did the wrong thing by telling her boss about Pharrell.

"Damn Annie, I should have just done what I have been paid for. Why did I even tell him? Mum was right when she said my mouth will land me in trouble."

"On second thought, I agree with you." She was startled by the sudden voice of Heath that she nearly jumped out of her skin

"W-what did y-you say sir?"

"I agree with your idea. But not to save you. Pharrell has threatened my family for quite awhile. He nearly killed my wife a few years ago. He abused her and made her lose her baby. I had wanted to send him behind bars yet I have no evidence and you know how things work out here. You send him to jail today, the next moment he is free because of the lack of evidence."

"Thank you sir and once again I am sorry that I did this. I will do anything and everything you say so I can make it up to you."

"If we are going to do this, we have to do it on my terms." He said, staring at her with a not so angry expression.

"Anything you say."

"Good. First of all, I do not want my wife to know about this. Telling her that Smith asked you to bring problems between us will anger her and I know how she becomes when she is angry."

"Sorry sir but how are we going to do this without her knowing? And that is not enough reason to keep this away from her. She deserves to know. Two heads are better than one but three heads are the best."

"Didn't I tell you we will be doing this my way?"

"Yes sir but she ha......."

"Shhhhhhhh! shut up and listen to me. My wife has been through a lot. She was once a naive woman who innocently fell in love. You could hurt her and she wouldn't get angry until the night that jerk tried to kill her. Her life changed from that moment. She became a little bit stronger and that was when she was introduced to anger. I know her very well, when we tell her this, she will stress about it and the beast in her will be released. Pharrell is very wise with this plan he brought up. He knows very well that a woman who has once been hurt in a relationship will go crazy when she is hurt a second time. Now his eyes are on our every movement, especially on Liana's and for him to believe that his plan is working, we have to get a genuine reaction from her. If we add her to our plan, then whenever she comes across that lunatic, she will fake her actions. She is a terrible actress. And Pharrell is no fool.He will know something is going on. We will tell her at the right time. Right now, I will protect her from afar."

"Okay, sir."

"I will need you to record all your phone conversations whenever her calls you. Try asking him some questions about my wife and why he wants you to do what he paid you for. I want him to confess that he beat up my wife and dumped her numbed body in a bush. Do you think you can do that?"

"I will try my best sir."

"I believe you can act? We will need to start acting as if we are dating. I will be taking you out often when she is around and will try to give you more attention so she can get the picture."

"Okay . Anything you say, sir."

End of Flashback

Heath's POV

"So for you to believe us, we started going out. Whenever I was not home I was with her probably at a park or restaurant doing nothing. We tried so hard for you to believe we are cheating yet, the trust you had in me blinded you. Then I realized that you have gone back to being the soft, naive woman you were. The woman with a heart of gold who closes her eyes to all the red flags I had hoisted high." "Before he........" I pointed to Pharell........"got to know that you are alive, I installed cameras in his home and office. I thought it right since it will be beneficial to us. If we were going to take him down, then we needed to know what he does and says every time. That is how come I got the footage that were played. Then we, I mean, Annie and I met with Meghan, your lawyer. We told her everything but she said there was an emergency that she needed to attend to outside the country which was why Whiteman took over Junior's custody case. So we spoke to Whiteman and he agreed to help us."


"Thanks for agreeing to meet with us, Mr. Whiteman, this is Annie, the girl I told you about over the phone."

"It's a pleasure, nice to meet you, Annie."

"The pleasure is all mine attorney."

"Please have a seat." I said and he pulled the chair closer to Annie's. We were at a restaurant I picked up. It was not far from home neither was it close.

"Sorry, I didn't have much time to spend with you and your wife after the hearing yesterday."

"It's okay. It is enough that you are able to meet us today."

"So how can I be of help to you? is it connected to your child's custody battle?"

"In a way, yes." I sighed before narrating every detail to him.

"Wow, that guy is something else. I saw how evil he was at court yesterday. I was right, he can't be trusted. That's a brilliant idea you have there. I will arrange with the cops and the medical workers."

"That's all I needed thank you."

"You are welcome."

End of Flashback.

I explained things to her as if she was the only person in the room. To me, she was all I wanted to see and the only one I owe any explanation.

"I know Martina sent you a picture. I saw her taking it actually. I was not kissing Annie I only made it look like I was. With her jealousy, Martina helped us"

"When you told me you wouldn't be home early, I took that as the opportunity to work out the plan. Annie was in her room and I was in our room when you drove in. We had already planned it so when you got home, she ran to our room. If you noticed, I was not completely naked, and neither was she. We pretended to be doing something under the sheets therefore if you had been a little patient you would have noticed it."

"When I found out what he wanted to do, what first came into my mind was that, I have to protect you and our family. I didn't want you to think about anything. You were happy for the first time in a long time so I didn't want to ruin that happiness."

"I shot you, how then are you alive?"

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