Chapter Forty-Nine

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Earlier in the Afternoon.

"Sorry... I am very sorry." She apologized and went down to pick up the person's key that had fallen due to their crash.

"Liana?!" the person exclaimed.

Hearing her name, she looked up to see who it was. Her breath ceased at that moment. She never thought she would see her again.

"Velma!" Her shock could be heard in her voice. She quickly recovered and was taken by excitement. She had searched everywhere possible for her and just when she has given up on seeing her again she shows up.

"Liana what a surprise. This must be my lucky day. I am running into a lot of old faces." She said. She looked happy to see Liana and took her into her arms.

"Velma where have you been? I have searched so hard for you. I went to your house and was told by the occupants that it has been sold."

"I have been traveling here and there. Been to about a hundred countries within these six years"

Tears were starting to well up underneath Liana's eyes and that didn't go unnoticed to Velma.

"What is it? please don't tell me you are about to cry." She joked.

"I have missed you so much. I thought I will never see you again."

"Aww, I have missed you too. By the way you lo...... "She was interrupted by the ringing tone of a phone which turned out to be Liana's. She excused her to answer the call.

"Hello Alex, oh you are there? I will be there soon." She said and ended the call.

"Sorry dear, I have to go but I really wish we can talk more."

"Don't worry, I understand. I wish we could too. Let me have your contact. I will call you."

"Sure. There is some emergency I have to attend to, if you are not too busy, we can meet when I am done with it and maybe have an early dinner?"

"Okay love. I am free for the night. Let me call you so you can have my number too." Velma dialed the contact Liana gave her and before long, Liana's phone started ringing.

"Thank you. I will call you immediately I am done."

They said their farewells and departed, each going her own way.


She watched as her dad slept, her gaze intensely on him while she smiles mentally, happy that her evil plan was working. He looks weaker than she had seen him the last time she was here and that excited her. She sipped the juice that Simona has served her as she thought of her next move.

Sensing a presence, Mr. Gonzalez's eyes came open but it took a few minutes for it to adjust to the room.

"Oh daddy, you are finally awake." She said with an irritating high-pitched voice.

The old man couldn't speak. He only stared at her.

"I know that you are angry with me. I am sorry for my actions the last time I was here." She apologized, pouting her lips like a person who has repented. Mr. Gonzales blinked twice and she took it as his way of showing that he has forgiven her.

"Good dad, Thank you so much. So I need a favor, I know you are not well but I am sure your hands and fingers a working perfectly well." She spoke slyly, digging her hand in the handbag she had brought along. She brought out a sheet of paper, holding it with the tip of her thumb and index finger.

"Do you know what I have here?" an evil smirk appeared on her face with her eyes narrowed.

"Oh daddy, it's a document that says that you will leave everything you own to me since my sister Karla is dead. All you need to do is to sign it. I know you said I have to have a child first but dear daddy, the truth is, I do not want a child. I have tried a few times to have one but I really hate the idea of having one. Please, daddy, you have to sign it. You do not want to leave me homeless do you? You love me so much to do that right? Then sign this and I won't bother you again. I promise. I will be a good girl and will come back to the daughter you knew and raised."

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