Chapter Sixty-One

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Three Months Later.

For three months she had stayed behind bars, waiting for her fate to be decided. Within these months, there has been another hearing where different evidence found on the crime scene was examined and presented before the court and since then, the case has been adjourned to today. Maybe her fate will be read out today, maybe not. Maybe she will be sentenced to death, be punished to live all her life in jail or she will be found innocent, which will be a huge miracle. She had long ago given up on that idea. How can she get out of this in one piece? Even if she is released, her life will not be the same. How will she be happy again without her husband? Over the months, one thought that kept bugging her mind was whether she was too quick to shoot. She wonders whether she saw right or she was hallucinating that night. But if she was, how then was Annie in their room?

"They couldn't be cheating, they were not completely naked." A voice within her said.

"No! they were. Yes, they might be half-naked but they were kissing. Kissing is also cheating." She silently said, to feel better. The guilt she has been feeling since this whole issue started is overwhelming and at times, she feels like she is losing her mind. What kept her going was the thoughts of her son and then her baby. She reminded herself that she ought to be strong for them.

A lot has changed over the months, one of the changes being her baby bump. It has grown to the size of a tennis ball and thankfully, she gets to have checkups with the prison doctor. On her second checkup, the doctor made known to her, her options. He also made it known to her the struggles of raising a child in prison.

"You look healthy dear and everything is fine with your baby. He is growing quite stronger. You are doing a good job, keep it up."

"Thank you doc."

"Ermm... I had wanted to talk to you about something." He muttered, not knowing how to start as this is not a comfortable topic for him.

"Sure go ahead, doc. I am all ears."

"As we know, I am the prison doctor and as part of my duties, I am expected to tell you your options. Mind you, all that I am about to tell you now are just suggestions. You can choose to take them or to ignore them. In my years of service here, I have seen young prisoners like you, sometimes people in their early twenties arrested while pregnant. And most of these young women are detained here for quite some time and I always give them this advice. I know you are a good person. Yes I don't know you, yet I have heard of you in the news and magazines and my instincts tell me that you are good and will be a great mother. From what I have gathered, you already have a son which is good and it's a great thing to be pregnant again. But don't you think the situation you find yourself in is unpleasant to keep a child? Besides, raising a child here in prison is very difficult and I can not guarantee that you will even be allowed to keep him here. You can go in for an abortion if you agree with what I am saying. You can keep it if you don't but there is still an option for that. That is, you can give it up for adoption. I am sure there will be a nice family who will give him the love, attention and freedom you will not be able to him. Thirdly, you can have the child and give him to a relative to raise him until you are out of here. From the seriousness of your crime, I think that will be in a very long time. So what do you think?"

She didn't need time to think about it. From the moment she heard that she was pregnant, she made the decision to keep it. She knows it will not be easy and that it wasn't the best decision yet looking at the joy that junior has brought to her life, she couldn't bring herself to think of terminating it.

"I am keeping the baby. I am not going to be a murderer for the second time."

"Very well, dear. Congratulations again." He said and handed the ultrasound photographs to her.

She had grown a lot closer to Simona who was still in jail, despite the lack of evidence against her. It was like Carmine was using her influence and money to keep her there. Luckily for her, Liana spoke to Whiteman on her behalf to help her get out. It is against the law to hold someone in custody for more than twenty-four hours without evidence hence, Whiteman couldn't understand why she was still locked up after three months. He promised them that he will help get her out of this.

'How about my son? Please how is he doing? Liana asked Whiteman helplessly, her eyes seeking for an answer.

"Hmm, the judge has temporarily given Mr. Smith custody over him until your case is over.

"Oh no, oh no!"

Carmine's POV

"Will you shut up! I am sick and tired of hearing your cries you little brat!"

I brought the phone to my ears, waiting for him to pick up.

"Hello, I am tired of this, please come and take this child back to where you brought him from!" I howled, my nose flaring.

"Babe what is it?" was all he asked calmly. I am here babysitting another woman's son and trying not to pull all my hair out and he is there in his office, having some peace of mind.

"He won't stop crying. This child is so stubborn and evil! If you don't come for him this instant I will do something you might not like."

"Hey calm down, please. You know he is our passport to getting what we want. Please, babe, relax. I promise you that as soon as we receive all the monies and properties, we will get rid of him like we did to his dad."

"I can't do this. Get a nanny.!" I yelled and hung up. I huffed, playing with my wristwatch to make me relax.

"I want my mummy! I want my mummy!"

"Arghhhhh! Shut up, shut up! I took his tinny arm into my hand and dragged him off into his room."

"If you are not going to eat your food then you will starve!" I bellowed, pushing him into the room and then shut the door loudly behind me. I locked it up and took the key along with me. It is so annoying that because of this brat I have not had my beauty sleep. I poured myself a much-needed glass of white wine and in slow motion, I sipped it, enjoying its tasty flavor.

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