Chapter Forty-Six

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"Goodmorning, I am Liana Miller. I am ............"

"Oh welcome Mrs. Miller, they are in Doctor Arnold's office waiting for you."

A nurse whose name I read on the tag as Madison said. She didn't wait for me to complete my introduction.

"Okay, thank you."

"You are welcome. Doctor Arnold's office is the first on the right when you take the left turn over there." She pointed to the end of the hallway. She had a pleasant smile which compelled me to smile too.

I held Junior in my arms and walked past her in the direction she gave. Within minutes, I was by the door of the office she showed me. There was a name inscribed on it. The name was not Arnold but rather Peters. I knocked on it, figuring that Peters might be his surname.

"Come in!"

A voice within invited. With Junior in one arm, I managed to open the door with my other hand. I must say my son has gotten taller and heavier over the months. First, I could carry him without any problem. Now, I pant heavily when I even try to pick him up. We were met with stares from Pharrell and Mark. The doctor, who was oblivious to our situation, greeted us with a smile.

"I didn't know you can be this wise babe, I'm glad you decided to come here with my son without any fight."

"Doctor, please, can we start? I don't have all day to waste." I totally ignored him and from my side view, I could see he was not pleased with that.

"Yes sure ma'am. Mr. Smith, I will have to take a strand of your hair and that of your son's Mrs. Miller."

"Okay, but can't we use blood. Isn't that more accurate?"

"To be frank, both ways are accurate Mr. Smith. But the boy is too young, so I am using the less painful option." I inwardly smiled at how considerate he is. I wouldn't have been able to stand the sight of a needle going through my baby.

He took a piece of Junior's hair and that of the jerk's right before us. He placed them in labeled glass tubes and excused himself.

The tension in the office wasn't one you will wish for. There was deafening silence and both men stared at me like I am their prey. One thing that has grown over the years is my hatred for Pharrell. It's quite surprising that I am able to sit in the same room with him. Honestly, he has comported himself to my surprise. Normally, whenever he sees me, he taunts me and tries to disgrace me. Well finally, someone is growing up. The doctor returned and informed us to come back in two days for the result. I was the first to leave the office with Junior and I avoided any form of conversation or contact with them.

"Mummy!" Junior called when I buckled his seat belt. "Can we get Ice cream?"

"Sure baby. Let me call daddy first."

I called Heath. It rang but no one answered. After trying twice, I called his office's number, remembering that he told me in the morning that he will be going there early. On the third ring, it was answered.

"Hello, this is club Casanova, how can we help you?"

"Martina, it's me, can I speak with my husband?"

"Ermm, sorry he is not at work yet."

"What! are you sure you are telling me the truth?"

"Why should I lie to you? He is not here."

"Okay, so where is he?" I asked confused.

"I don't know. You are his wife and you should know where he is." She blurted out and hung up.

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