Chapter Sixty-Six

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Third Person's POV

She asked. Still, her eyes read no emotions apart from the angry look on her face.

"That was a fake gun. I had it made to look like my golden gun."

"Your honor sorry for wasting your time. This was all done to get evidence against Mr. Smith so that his secret sins and evil deeds will be brought to light. He is never the honorable man we all know and admire. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing and such men should be feared. Better still, they should be locked up for life." Whiteman stated.

"I will kill you!" Pharrell groaned, and made attempt to get to Heath but was held by the cops that were surrounding him.

"Arrest him!" the judge ordered.

"I will kill you all.!" He rained insults on them. His eyes were red as crimson and his face was soaked with sweat.

Carmine placed her purse under her armpits and was quietly looking for an exit. When no attention was on her, she decided to make a quick exit yet luck was not on her side.

"Your honor, he is not alone in his crimes. His wife helps him. Please watch this." Whiteman blurted.

"Shut up! Shut up. I am sick and tired of you!" all eyes went to the screen again. It was a scene of her and junior in the living room of her house. Junior was asking to see his mother.

"I said shut the fuck up." She yelled again this time hitting the little boy with the back of her hand.

"Ahhhhh! ahhhhh! ahhh!." The boy sobbed, still demanding for his mother.

Heath clenched his fist. Watching this was so hard for him. Liana on the other hand could not keep her cool.

"Bitch! you dared raise your hand on my baby? you fucking hit my son?!" she struggled with the cuffs. If they weren't around her fists she would have probably torn Carmine into pieces. The anger in her eyes was nothing Carmine could reckon with.

Another video started playing. At this moment, Heath was so delighted that he had that idea to put secret cameras in Pharrell's house and office when they were still friends.

"I don't want to eat this. I want my mummy!"

"If you won't eat then you will not eat a single food in this house ever again." She reached out for the glass of water on the table and poured it on him. "Lori! Lori!"

"Yes ma'am."

"Take the food back to the kitchen and make sure you give him nothing to eat without my knowledge."

"Ahhhh Carmine I will kill you. Let me go! let me go!." Two cops held Liana as she fought to get free from their hold. The fire that was burning within her was nothing that can be quenched with water or extinguisher. You can hurt her all you want and she wouldn't fight you, but for her son, she can do anything and will go to any length to make him happy. Meaning, she will hurt anyone who hurts him and make anyone who made him cry, weep.

"Let me go! Let me go and teach this abuser a lesson!"

"Calm down, babe, calm down." Heath told her.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down. This is all your fault. What is wrong with your reasoning? For some foolish plan you didn't trust me and you placed the family that you claim to love in danger. What kind of love is this?! Tell me! If any of this shit didn't happen, she wouldn't have gotten the chance to raise her hand on my son! So don't you ever tell me to calm down." She had shouted so much that she was losing her voice.

"You never loved us. If you did, there will be no way that we will pass through what you have taken us through these three months. I was separated from my child and to make things worse, I blamed myself for your death. I thought I have turned into a beast. Why, why did you do this to us? What happened to trust? Am I so dumb that you couldn't trust me with your plans? Jeez, no! I can't do this anymore. I want a divorce!" She muttered, this time with a softer tone

" no please babe, we have not gotten to that."

"We have gotten to that and beyond. I can not be with a man that watches on for our son to be abused."

"Liana please reconsider your decision why don't y........."

"Let me remind you, Mr. Whiteman, that you are in no position to advise me. From today, you are no longer my attorney."

"In all this, I am glad I had this experience. It has taught me a major life lesson. And that is to love me above everything and everyone. It is only when I love myself that I get the peace I want within. It is only when I love myself that others will learn to love me. And I learned it the hard way. Thankfully, a friend taught me this."

"Let her go." The judge ordered.

Immediately, the cuffs were released and she walked to a now quiet Pharrell. He was still angry but he knew better than to fight with the cops. She stood directly in front of him staring deep into his evil eyes.

"I will make you pay bitc..........."

"Bam!" the words escaped his lips as a loud slap landed on his left cheek.

"I hate you with everything left in me. If I loved you before then I hate you ten times more than I had loved you. I am ashamed that I allowed a dullard like you into my life. I always blamed myself that I was the reason our relationship didn't work. I made up excuses for all your actions including your abuses. You hit me and I say, it's a love slap. You push me and I praise you. I worshipped the very ground you walked. You messed up my whole life and I won't rest until you get what you deserve for you are the devil under my pillow."

She cleaned the tears that were running down her face and walked out of the courtroom as a free woman. She left the jury and everyone present stunned. Someone who has been through this much is expected to succumb to their pain yet this woman walked out like a victor. Like someone who has a lot of life within her. And when she left, she didn't look back. Heath was shocked at the turn of events. He stood rooted, not being able to move. Has he, at last, lost all that he has cared about?

Men don't often cry, and strong men are always said to be strong but in this case, this strong man cried in front of everyone. He has always said that no one will understand the intensity of his love for his wife. It was the kind of love that turns a casanova into a faithful man.

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