Chapter Forty-Four

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She checked the time for the thousandth time, growing impatient in waiting for her husband. She had informed him that her flight would be landing at 7:00 am and he promised that he would be there. It had been three hours since they landed and so far there was no sign of him. She tried calling him but all his numbers were not going through. She had never felt this restless waiting for someone. On her fourth hour of waiting for him, it became clear that he wouldn't be coming so she managed to get a cab.

Pulling her luggage behind her, she walked to the exit where a young woman had arrived with a taxi. The lady was offloading her suitcases. Hence, she walked as fast as she could so as not to miss the cab.

"Hello, good morning." She greeted both the driver and the lady.

"Good morning ma'am, how may we help you?" The driver who was helping the lady offload asked.

"Sorry, I was wondering if you can give me a ride when you are done with her."

"Oh, sure. No problem." He finished off with the lady and helped Liana with her suitcases, securing them in the back of the car. He then rounded the car to open the door for her.

"Thank you."

She was weary, despite the rest she had on the plane and instead of giving out the address of her home, she asked the driver to take her to the club where she knew her husband will be. A drive which normally takes an hour, took them almost two hours due to traffic. It was a working day, therefore, everyone was rushing to get to their destinations.

The driver made the last turn, bringing the drive to a halt in front of club Casanova. Liana handed him a couple of bills and he, in turn, helped her in bringing her luggage out.

"Thank you." She muttered and watched him drive off. She now turned and sighed deeply, prepping herself to face her husband. A wave of emotions passed through her and for a moment, she thought of ignoring him and just go home.

"No Liana, you can't always overlook his mistakes, he left you standing at the airport for four hours and made you look like someone who has no home." She told herself, igniting the fury she felt earlier on. Without second thoughts, she walked into the club.

It was the late hours of the morning and most of the workers were expected to have closed by now since they worked throughout the night. But there were a fair number of them still there including Martina.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here? Our boss's wife." She said out loud when she spotted Liana walking inside. This made the others laugh as if what she said was funny.

"Long time no see Martina," Liana spoke out without any humor.

"Yeah, since you became the boss's wife, you have stopped coming here."

"Where is my husband?" She asked, gritting her teeth when she said 'my husband' as if she was making a point and Martina understood perfectly but she did well in hiding her displeasure.

"He is not here. "

"Not here? where is he then?"

"How will I know? he didn't come to work yesterday. He left me in charge."


She said after a long pause. She was quiet because she was trying to figure out whether she is saying the truth or not. At first, she thought Heath was in his office and asked Martina to lie to her. She hasn't known this lady for long but one thing she knew was that she is real and hardly hides the truth so she believed her.

"Carlos, can you give me a ride home?" She asked one bouncer she had become close with during her time working at the club.

"Okay no problem, just give me a minute."

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