Chapter Sixty-Four

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"Do you remember the day Annie came to me in the bikini?" He questioned, hoping for an answer but didn't get any. Liana's eyes were emotionless as she stared at him waiting for him to explain everything to her. Though she was giving him the chance to clear things up, she had already made a decision: She can never stay married to him. What he had done to her cut deeper than a sharp sword.

"I went to her and persuaded her to tell me the truth. I know you didn't believe me that day but I had no idea why she walked to me in that. I was just confused as you were."


"What are you trying to do bitch? What game are you playing?" He asked with his nose flaring and his teeth gnashed. There was danger in his eyes which made Annie scared. This is the second time she has seen him this way. But this was far dangerous than the first time. She feared for her life as she was being lifted off the ground by her neck.

"P-p-lease, let me go." She begged. Tears started to fall out of her eyes and she looked hopeless.

"Tell me. What mind game are you playing with me?!"

"Ple-please put me down I will tell you everything." She managed to say as he was choking her.

What she didn't know was that Heath was a heartless man before he met Liana. Liana changed him and made him tolerate people. But he will never be nice to people who try to destroy him and the family he has tried so hard to build.

He had almost knocked her out when he released his grip on her. She fell to the ground, weak and she looked lifeless. Heath was holding his head in pain and regret. He had promised himself not to be this violent again. What was happening to him? He reasoned.

"I am sorry." He finally voiced out. Annie who was now sitting on the floor, hugged herself in fear, looking away from him. She sobbed amidst snuffling sounds.

"What is going on Annie? I thought you were sick yesterday. But why then did you come out healthy and half-naked in front of me when my wife got home." He questioned with his back turned to her. He was refusing the strong urge to use violence to get the truth out of her. A while ago he had nearly killed her. He wasn't about to lose it again.

"I didn't know she was home".

"You didn't know she was home? That doesn't give you the right to come to a married man half-naked. Whether his wife is home or not."

"I am sorry sir. I didn't even know what I was thinking."

"I know there is something you are keeping away from me. Tell me!" He commanded her.

"I know you love your wife. But I love you too. Since the first day I saw you. And I know you like me too from the way you look at me." She said to Heath's displeasure. For a girl who is afraid for her life, this was the least expected of her to say.

"Listen girl! stop playing with me and tell me the truth!" Heath yelled. It was a surprise that Liana didn't hear him.

"I-I-I-I was paid t-t-to destroy y-y-you and your w-wi-wife."

He didn't believe her. If she was indeed paid to do something like that, she wouldn't have easily spilled the beans. Maybe it's her way of taking his attention away from the truth.

"Do you think I am a kid?" He spoke out his unbelief.

"Believe me sir, I am saying the truth. He wants you and your wife dead and he thinks your pair is so strong to defeat so he wants you separated. That way can achieve his goal."

"Who is he?! Who sent you and what did he ask you to do?" She was reluctant to talk. It took another loud scream from Heath to get the truth out of her.

"M-mr. Smith."

He stumbled a few steps back, away from her, as the information hit him hard. Not that he was surprised that she mentioned Pharrell's name, in fact, he suspected it but he was shocked that his friend will go that far to fulfill his ambition.

"W-what did he ask you to do?"

"He said that he knows your wife very well and that she is weak but only pretending to be strong because she has you to protect her. He said the only thing that can break her is betrayal and since she loves with her whole heart, causing you to cheat on her will do."

He clenched his fist and hit the wall, in a way to avoid hitting the girl before him.

"He also said that she has to pay for taking everything from him and will destroy her reputation. He wants to kill you but he said when your wife catches you in the act, she will do the job herself when provided with a weapon."

"Get out of my house this instant!" He bellowed. This should have made her scared yet it only made her want to stay. She knows she will be in trouble if she leaves. She has already received the money Pharrell promised her.

"Sir listen to me. I can not leave now. If I leave, you will not know his plans."

"Don't worry about that, I have my way of finding whatever I want. Pack your fucking things and leave my fucking house!"

"Please wait sir. I am the only one that can help you. If I leave now he will kill me and my mum. Please don't do this to me."

He was still furious and she being close to him didn't help the situation. He was silent for a while. It took him about a minute and a half to speak again.

"I want you to prove what you are saying is the truth. If you are able to, you can stay here but if you dare hurt my family, I will kill you!"

"Okay sir, that will not be a problem."

Heath wasn't crazy when he allowed her to continue living with them. He knew keeping the enemy closer is a tool and with Annie here, he can know what Pharrell is planning. He had only set up a secret camera in his office the last time he visited him but that is not enough to know what he is planning at every single time.


"Daddy! Daddy!Daddy!"

"Junior! Junior! Jun........."

"Sir! Sir! wake up, it's a dream wake up."

His eyes opened slowly, taking some time to adjust to the room.

"Sir, are you okay? You are sweating so much". Annie asked holding a towel in her hands.

"Where is Junior?"

"He is in his room. I just put him to bed. I brought your meal."

"Okay leave it there I will eat later."

"But sir it's late. Please try and eat a little. I won't leave until you are well."

He realized she was stubborn and true to her words, she sat there until he started eating. She poured a glass of water for him and sat further away from him.

"Are you okay sir? Were you having a nightmare?"

"What do you care?" he replied bluntly.

"Is it about your son? If it is, don't worry no one will take him. I have a perfect plan."

He stared at her as if she has grown another head and then rolled his eyes at her.

"Listen to this sir." She played a recording of her and Pharrell talking about their plans, with Pharrell instructing her on what to do.

He doubted her at first but this made him believe her.

"What is your plan?"

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