Chapter Twenty

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Liana's POV

It's been three months staying with Pharrell and his increasingly annoying wife and I must say it wasn't as pleasant as I thought it would be. The day that Velma and I had breakfast with them, I got to Velma's home to find my few clothes packed outside in my small suitcase. It was right at the gate and the gate was locked. It was hurtful, but It didn't bother me at all because unlike when I first came here, I was not homeless so I picked them up and returned to Pharrell's house. That first day, They made me sign a contract of which I was not given enough time to read through. I knew it was talking about the baby and DNA blah blah blah. The truth is, I wouldn't have been able to read if they gave me all the time in the world. I am an illiterate with no educational background. I am only able to speak English because people speak English a lot at the part of Spain I grew up in. So I was able to pick up.

"Hurry with the laundry. And make sure our lunch is ready by noon!" She Threw more clothes at me in the laundry room.

"S-sure," I muttered, trying not to cry. It was almost noon and I had not had anything to eat. I was hungry and tired from cleaning the entire eight-bedroom house. I was required to be awake at 4:30 am every day. And from that time, I clean each and every room in the house. This treatment started just on my second day staying here. I remember vividly the first day I got here with my luggage. I was excited to start this new chapter of my life and thought I would be staying in one of these beautiful rooms but I was sadly shown to this room under the staircase which used to be a storage room. It was dusty and filled with cobwebs. Probably the worst collection of cobwebs I have ever seen. There was no bed, no couch, no mat, no washroom, NOTHING!.

The only thing the witch gave me was an old blanket and a pillow which smelled like it was picked out of the dumpster. There and then I realized how mistaken I have been. But I decided to fight on. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right?

I removed the washed clothes from the machine and refilled it with the last set of dirty clothes before going to the kitchen to start preparing their lunch. Pharrell is always out working but comes home every time for lunch and he adds nothing to my life than torture.

His treatment was worse than his wife's. Once he asked me to make tea for him knowing very well he doesn't take tea. He poured the hot tea on me, complaining that there was too much sugar. Another time he met me eating late because I had a lot to do and didn't eat early. He beat me up, kicking me in all ways possible. I couldn't sleep that day because of the pain from the bruises. He has destroyed my phone and banned me from talking to anyone. I don't go out, not even grocery shopping. But in all these, I didn't hold anything up against him. I was still hoping for a miracle. This is not how I planned my life to turn out. I wanted to be with the one I love yet I am suffering in his hands.

Just like I thought, right after noon, Pharrell walked through the doors and was demanding for his meal. I had delayed a little due to the laundry but he would have none of that. He came along with Heath and two other friends. Heath stopped talking to me the day he found out I am pregnant for his friend. Since then, he looks in an accusing way.

"Liana! Liana! what the hell! where is my food!" he bawled. His loud voice could be heard echoing in the hall.

"So-sorry Pha...."

"Sir! How many times do I have to tell you to refer to me as sir? Now, where is my meal? Why isn't the table set yet!" I flinched at his tone. I was confused and felt surrounded by wolves.

"I am sorry sir, I had a lot of clothes to wash today so I was a bit...."

A sharp and loud slap landed on my right cheek before I could finish what I was saying. Carmine and the two other friends of his started laughing at me. They mocked me like I was nothing. Like they couldn't feel my pain.

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