I'm Outside

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I hate this job.

You thought to yourself as you sat in a meeting room with older men discussing how to go on about this plan.

You were hired to be a body guard for 'The boss', even though he had over 50 men working for him.

"So what will she do?" A man in the circular table asked.
"She's the body guard for the boss, we've gone over this, Mr. Silver." Shot back an angry looking man sitting straight across from him.

You were always doubted by everyone around you simply because you were a woman, and to be honest you understood. Men are always viewed stronger simply because they are men. They really have no idea who i am, you thought. Again and again they seemed to make that mistake quite regularly.

"Then it's settled, we meet back here in 3 months, December 18th, 7:00 pm. Do not be late, the boss will be here and we must be prepared. I've sent the plan to all of you, make sure to memorize it. You're dismissed." Spoke the man that was sitting in the biggest chair, he appeared to be the 'leader' of the group.

After this everyone got up and left.

"This job is so boring, it's not like i haven't done this a million times." You exclaimed through the phone.

"I know it's annoying Chai but they pay well, just bare with it for a little longer" it was illumi.

He gave you the nickname "chai" at the age of 10 and since then everyone called you that.

"I have to go illu... i miss you dummy" you said softly, almost a whisper so only you both could hear.

"I miss you too chai, is it ok if we meet later tonight? around 7?

"Yes, i'll send you the address, i'm staying in a cabin in a mountain, they wanted me to be away from hotels, so i'll be alone"

"Alright see you then, stay safe"

You sighed as your heart started to race 'why do i feel this way?' you thought to yourself.
This was unlike you, considering how close you considered him to be, you grew up basically like brother and sister, but now he seems... so...-

You cut yourself off. You hadn't seen him in months and you missed him greatly, it was normal, probably, but why does it feel different this time?

You went to your cabin to get cleaned up a little, it's been a while since you've seen anyone you knew and it feels like you're meeting a new person. Why do I feel so odd?

As you were about to hop in the shower, you received a text from Illumi.

I: I'll be there in an hour

Your heart racing, you hopped into the shower. You hoped this would clear your head from your odd feelings to your old friend, but you couldn't clear him from your thoughts. Has he changed? What's he been doing while i've been away? Why did it feel so new to talk to him, he's just my friend.

Getting out of the shower, you felt uneasy and unprepared, but with a new courage to see your old friend. You decided to go with your normal attire when you're not at work, a pair of black shorts and a tank top, very simple yet comfortable. Your hair was black with red highlights, it was a new look. I wonder what they'll think of this... the 3 of them.

Serving some wine for yourself while you waited for illumi, you received a text.

"i'm outside" He's here...

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