Blood Moon Assassin's ball (pt.3)

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You noticed that when you walked through the hallway and made it to the next room, the pairs began to separate. The ladies moved to one side and the gentlemen moved to the other. There were people guiding the others to their correspondent places. You split off from Hisoka and tried to look for someone you knew. You saw Nalani but you didn't want to interrupt her. You looked around on the men's section and found Illumi staring at you and then looking at Hisoka with a look of disgust. You looked away. It was his fault he didn't get to walk with you. He literally asked you to walk with Hisoka or Chrollo, why would he be mad? Looking around you saw Chrollo. He was rather uninterested with the dance and preferred to look at the others looking to see who he could take their power from, you knew his glance. Hisoka, as always was looking at you, admiring you. As you kept glancing around the room you made eye contact with the man that was in the other room. As soon as you were about to open your mouth to say something the lights turned off suddenly.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen. It is now 11:58. In two minutes the moon will chose one lucky person and designate them one or more people to be conectes with ~eeettterrrrnallyyyyy~"

Everyone in the room cheered and you felt you had to join in. All the ladies gossiped in curiosity saying that they would be the chosen ones.

The red gleaming light shone on the center of the room. It was absolutely breathtaking. You didn't even care who it chose, you were admiring the beauty. The light suddenly started shifting, moving in small circles, then the circles grew bigger and bigger. The light started to slow down the movement, picking a person. The light stopped right in front of you. Everyone in the room turned and stared at you.

"OH! Seems like we have the chosen one! Please step forward onto the light!"

You stepped onto the light. Inside of you, you felt a sudden rush. You felt the light of the red moon flowing through the blood in your veins. You felt hot and warm and cold and freezing all at once. It was a feeling you had never experienced. The flowing through your veins ended in your heart and you felt a second heartbeat for a second, then a third, then a fourth, then a fifth.... then a sixth.

"How many beats did you feel??!"

"S-six" you said nervously.



"OH- FORGIVE ME!! I'm blabbering too much! U-um please step out of the light!"

You stepped back. The light began to move again. It began to move in circles again but this time it moved faster. It stopped in the men's area. The light stopped on Illumi. The light kept moving towards the ladies section. The light stopped on Nalani. The light kept moving towards the men's section and stopped on Hisoka. The light kept moving towards the ladies section and stopped on the girl who kept staring at Hisoka at the dinner table. The light kept moving towards the mens section and stopped on the boy with red and white hair. The light kept moving towards the ladies section and stopped on Aurora. The light went back to you.

"Alright! Can we have the 6 people step forward!"

They all stepped forward. The girls next to you and the men in front of you. At this point your heart was beating out of your chest. The whole room was silent looking to what would happen next.

"Alright, the first person who the light shone on please follow me!"

The announcer led Illumi to the people who would be playing the music. The man in charge grabbed a particular object which looked like a wand and pointed it at Illumi's heart. A few moments passed and the man nodded. They all started shuffling, like preparing for a song. The announcer led Illumi back to the group and motioned for everyone else to move out of the dance floor except you and him.

(A/N: This next part will include a lot of songs which will add to the mood of the story! I advice to listen to these songs while reading!! :)

The band started playing the song Maria Maria by Santana. Illumi looked at you deeply in the eyes and held his out to you. You accepted it and he pulled you roughly to his arms. You were taken aback but you were getting excited. You and Illumi started dancing while the room was lit by the light of the blood moon. The red light followed you and Illumi all throughout the dance floor. You moved your feet one way and Illumi immediately followed by moving his the same direction. Your dressed flowed with your movements and you felt a rush of confidence once again flowing through you. That's the feeling Illumi brought to you. He made your confidence boost all the way up. He made you feel powerful when you were with him. He held your body closely never losing eye contact with you. He knew exactly how to deal with you and you hated it. He knew when he was doing something right and he milked that. You both moved with the music and the sound of the guitar. The vibe the music was giving was the exact same he was. He gave this feeling of confidence and fire. Once the song ended, he had you barely apart from his face. He kept staring at you and closed the distance. He planted a kiss on your lips. A deep kiss. It was full of passion and full of fire.

The song ended and the announcer did the same to the 2nd person that was chosen. This time, when the song started to play, it was different. The song Goodbye by Billie Eilish started to play. You were sure what to do. This song was a sad song and it didn't bring any good memories. This song reminded you of when you and Nalani went through some problems. While the song played, Nalani started to cry. You weren't sure why she was crying but when you went to comfort her she shoved you back. "Why?? WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE? IVE DONE EVERYTHING I CAN TO GET RID OF YOU! YOU RUINED MY LI-". Before she could end her sentence, Hisoka hit her neck with a card and knocked her out. "No one talks to my princess that way~" Everyone around the room gasped. You were completely confused and hurt. Why would she say that? What made her hate you so badly?

The song ended and it was Hisokas turn to go to the man with the wand. The mad nodded and smirked. Hisoka walked back to you. Even they didn't know what song would play. You had to shake off what just happened with Nalani. You completely closed off that part of your heart for now. The song All To Me by Giveon started to play. Hisoka grabbed you close. He glided along the dance floor smoothly. He started to sing along with the song whispering in your ear as he glided you closely along the floor... "He lost your touch all to me, all to me. Oh he still don't make you feel beautiful i know, but i do, just know i've got you. He still don't even give you enough it's true in my room i ain't gonna stop you." His words struck you. He was the only one who appreciated your beauty and was genuinely in love. He was talking about Illumi. Illumi saw you as his own personal toy he could just leave whenever he wanted, but he made you confident. Hisoka, on the other hand, brought out the soft side in you. He made you feel beautiful and he made you feel special. He brought out the best in you and you loved that. His touch was so soft and gentle. Hisoka truly loved you and you could tell. The way he carried you around the dance floor said enough. He swayed you with such gentle care. He made it clear you were his only option and you were so close to making him your only option as well... but something was stopping you.

Why couldn't you give in when he was the best choice? Why were you so unsure? What was stopping you....

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