Sharing a Small Moment

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You grabbed Hisokas hand and led him to the door. With the key you had, you opened the door to leave. You activated your nen and made you and Hisoka invisible. You didn't want anyone to see you. You had no room for yourself, so you used Chrollo's, where you would be staying. You knew it was wrong, to do this with another man who wasn't him— But you didn't belong to Chrollo. You didn't belong to Illumi. You didn't belong to Hisoka. You were simply having fun, they knew this.

You made sure no one was there and you ran for the room. Chrollo had left and said he wouldn't be there for a while, so you were fine. You got there and locked the door behind you. You let go of Hisokas face and found him smiling.

"You're hiding me now?" He purred.

"I am." You answered confidently.

"I don't like that. I want everyone to know. Let them know. Don't hide me." He said seductively as he grabbed your arm, pulling you into his arm. Your eyes widened but softened after you felt his strong arms wrapping around you.

"I don't want to hurt you... but i just can't help it sometimes. Your little body is so fragile I— oh how lovely you are~". Hisoka grabbed your hand and twirled you, dance like. His movement were so smooth— as if he's done this before. He grabbed your body bridal style and twirled you in the air. He caught you grace fully and protected you from falling.

You were giggling, even though you were a little scared.

You pulled yourself to be straight in front of his face and wrapped your arms around his neck to support yourself. He answered by securing your legs at his sides then wrapping his arms around you. You left a small kiss on his lips then worked on freeing his skin from the clothes. You tugged on his shirt, removing it. Once it came off you saw his skin. He was incredibly strong, and his body was toned. Even though his complexion was very light, his tone was even. He had no apparent scars and his muscles were perfect. You moved your hands down his chest, feeling him. His skin was warm and welcoming, causing you to melt even more at his touch. You kicked your legs off of him, freeing from his grasp.

You kneeled down on the floor, working on his pants. You looked up, seeing an amused Hisoka above you. You pulled down his clothes and got back up. He now laid only in his boxers in front of you.

You pushed him onto the bed and leaned into his neck leaving trails of kisses. Slowly, you worked your way all around his body. You wanted to care for him, to make him feel the best. Your lips brushed every inch of his skin. Your hands glazed over his flesh, caressing it softly. You were now at his waist. You didn't hesitate. You pulled down the last piece of fabric remaining, finding his manhood. You weren't surprised, but you were nothing less than delighted. You continued your work, leaving kisses on his skin. Your left hand handled him, stroking him softly. Your right hand held his waist down. Your lips and tongue left marks around his sensitive area. You were teasing him. From below, you heard him groaning and you saw him throw his head back. You stopped your motions and went out to his face.

"Shut up." You said sternly, placing a finger on his lips. You leaned down and let your lips take the place of your finger. You kissed every fragment of his soft lips. You could feel his hunger with every breath. Your tongue dived into his mouth, exploring. His teeth grazed your bottom lip and but down softly but hard enough to draw blood. You felt him smile and you broke the kiss. He lifted his head and supported his weight with his forearm. His hand kept your head in place. He inched closer to your lips but he didn't kiss you— he licked the blood.

As he did this, you worked on taking off your own clothes. You felt uncomfortable being the only once clothed, so you wanted to get rid of it. Hisoka noticed and he stopped what he was doing. He grabbed your hips and turned you over so you'd be beneath him. He removed your pants in a single motion, freeing your skin from the fabric. His hands moved up your legs slowly, stopping at your hips. He teasingly tugged at your underwear brim, causing you to squeeze your legs together. He put one finger in and snapped it, making a loud noise reverberate across the room. He giggled then let out a sigh as he inched closer to your neck.

"Will you let me break you?" He whispered while rubbing his lips down your neck


"Yes what?~" He purred.

"Break me~" You mocked. He got up from his position and he held his hands up to you. You grabbed them and sat yourself up as well. He moved his two fingers as if they were walking up your arms. His nails grazed your flesh softly. Once he reached the middle of your arms, his nails duh into your skin. Out of nowhere, hand cuffs appeared all along your arms. You saw the same thing happen on your legs and you were pulled down onto the bed. You laid there trying to pick up your limbs, but remained unable to do anything.

Hisokas fingers mimicked his last action but this time walking up your thigh. He passed your waistline and began to slowly unbutton your shirt. Once he got done with the third one, both his hands joined. The grabbed both ends of the shirt and tore it open, breaking it. You now laid there, defenseless and showing most of your skin.

He grabbed his card and trailed it up your skin soft enough to not cut you but enough pressure to leave a red mark. Your breathing quickened and your heart fastened. He noticed.

"Don't be nervous darling, i won't hurt you too bad." He purred while his hands trailed up your legs, lifting them up and spreading them. He held up his thumb and pressed it onto your clit, creating friction. He began to move it in gentle circles, looking for a reaction. Your hips began to move up and down to crest more friction. He moved his thumb off of the fabric and replaced it with his mouth. Over the fabric of your underwear, he licked and bit softly. At this point, your core was burning and you could feel an orgasm begin. While Hisoka was doing that, he breathed in your scent, remembering every detail. His nails dug into your thighs drawing blood.

You began to groan softly at his movements. Finally, after a moment of teasing you, he tore the fabric off. He did the same with your bra, freeing you. As he was about to move himself into you, a knock was heard at the door. You both looked up in a panick.

"Y-YEA?" You screamed.

"Annie, it's Chrollo. Can you open the door? It's locked."

Hisoka unhooked the cuffs and you threw him off of you. You grabbed a shirt that was nearby to cover yourself. Hisoka grabbed your hand and you made him invisible while he got dressed. You hurried over to the door and found Chrollo smiling kindly at you.

"I'm so sorry i'm just normally used to locking doors. You said you wouldn't be back for a while what happened?"

"Big news. There's going to be a huge get together, the mafia. It's just like in York New a couple years back. They have merchandise in different locations and they have something i really want. This is our next job. Everyone will be needed. You, Illumi, Hisoka. Ive already talked to Illumi and he agreed. I just can't quite find Hisoka, have you seen him anywhere?"

Your heart began to race.

"Um... i think i last saw him in the bathroom but then i came back here. We talked about what happened then we split. He's around somewhere i'm sure."

"I see. I'll be right back, i need to go talk to the troupe." He said, moving out of the door frame.

"Alright, i need to go get something to eat." You said walking behind him, still holding Hisokas hand.

Chrollo went up the hallway and you went down. You went into the bathroom and left Hisoka in there.

"Don't you dare mention this ever." You said sternly.

"Whatever you say princess~" He said already completely dressed.

So this was the next job. A massive killing on the mafia. You couldn't lie, you were excited. This was going to be interesting.

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