Blood Moon Assassin's Ball (pt.2)

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As the night went on, the other people began to finish their food and they emptied the room fast. The younger ones at your table were eager to see what they were missing. So you all agreed to try and finish as fast as you could. Once most of the members of the table were done, the waiters lead you to the other room. The path to the room was absolutely breathtaking. The floor that was lit a marrón color just got a deeper red, but the light remained. The walls were a cushion-like material, color black. the lights were very dim, but lit enough to be able to see. The hallway was small but wide enough to have enough space for two people to walk together. Since you were Illumi's date, you decided it was proper for you to walk along side him, even though he wasn't paying you much attention. Instead, he was speaking to Zeno about the architecture of the room they were previously in. They were talking the whole time you were eating while you listened to the conversations around you. You thought you would approach him and ask him to walk with you but when you went to speak to him he answered the question before you could ask it.

"I'll be walking with him. Have Hisoka or Chrollo accompany you, they seem free."

This actually didn't bother you much. You were feeling extremely powerful and full of confidence at the moment. Plus, you already had your time with Illumi, you knew how important family was to him and you well respected Zeno, so you had no reason to object. The problem was who to chose. Hisoka or Chrollo? Chrollo would likely be accompanied by one of the troupe members, so Hisoka seemed like the only option.

Hisoka was wearing a Black tux with a fishnet shirt under. Of course he had to be extra. But he looked good. His hair was grown out so he couldn't quite style it like he used to. You liked the purple-pink combo, but ginger suited him way more in your opinion. He had a mullet- like look. He wore his hair down and messy. It looked good. His belt was dark red, emphasizing the theme, but obviously had hearts and spades all over it. It didn't look bad.

When you looked over to find him he was surrounded by what looked like hundreds of girls. He looked absolutely horrified. They were all begging him to walk with them. Apparently this walk down the hall meant a lot to a lot of people. All the girls were screaming and yelling but one girl specifically was rubbing all up on him. She kept wrapping his arms around her and he looked absolutely uncomfortable. You were not going to let this pass what so ever. You walked over to them, with your power walk. The girl gave you a nasty look and hugged Hisoka tighter basically almost not letting him breathe. Once the other girls saw the girl giving you looks they backed off and looked at you scared. Hisoka also noticed you and pushed the girl away.

"Who are you?" the girl asked angrily

"I could ask you the same thing. Leave him alone, he clearly doesn't want you." you said with a disgusting tone

"Hah. Did you not see him? He was all up on me. We're walking together aren't we Hisoka?"

Hisoka looked between you and her.

You walked over to Hisoka and looked at him in the eye. You grabbed him by the chin and turned his face towards you. You could tell he was a submissive. He immediately started drooling over you.

"We're we about to go with this girl?"

"No. I don't even know who she is. I want you to go with me." He answered still facing you.

"You hear that darling~" you said teasing her.

Hisoka wrapped his arm around your waist and started walked toward the hall. The girl behind you was fuming. You could tell she was powerful just by her look and because Hisoka wasn't pushing her away before. But you were stronger. The strongest.


You activated your nen and made ice fly to her mouth stopping her from speaking.

"Listen here you brat. He's mine. Back off if you want to stay safe. You're powerless against me." You whispered while holding her jaw in place.

The other girls stared but didn't do anything about it. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a young man staring at you. He looked different then the other men. He had white hair with red highlights. His eyes were hazel and his skin was a golden tone. He was standing around a man and a woman, they seemed to be his parents. The man was short and bald, he looked to be around 50-60. The woman was much younger. She had red hair and green eyes. She seemed to be around her 40's. The boy didn't look much like his father, but resembled his mother a lot.

You went back to Hisoka and walked by his side through the hallway, leaving the other girls speechless. When you made it through the hallway you saw a huge dance floor, this time lit a dark pink. The light around the room was dim all expect the dance floor. Directly in the middle of the room, which fell in the middle of the dance floor, was a hole in a shape of the moon. This was to let the moonlight shine through the room. This is what light the dance floor. The story about the blood moon was that whenever it hit 12:00, or midnight, the light picked a couple. The light followed them all around the dance floor while they danced to the song picked for them. If the light picked you, you and the person you were dancing with would be connected for eternity. There were occasions when the light would pick multiple people, which only meant they would all be connected. This didn't mean romantically.

While everyone was dancing to the music, you felt curious about who the boy was... you wanted to know.

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