Chrollo Lucifer

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Chrollo went on.
"I'm going to cut right to the point. I need you for a job. Only you can handle this. I know that we left things off pretty badly, and i don't care. I'll pay you a good amount, negociable. But you'll work for me."


"I know you must be confused. So i'll give you a day to think this over. You can wait in a room i've prepared specially for you. Or, if you can make up your mind, we can start the job now."

"What job is it and why am i the only one who can handle it?"

"Because princess, your father loves you. He trusts you, therefore, you will win regardless."


"Yes. He's been messing with some of my puppets. I want you to make him stop. I know he's important to you after all. I don't want to make you kill him. So kindly ask him to stop and i won't ask you to do such a thing. If you can't agree to stopping him, ill send one of my spiders to kill him."

"I- i don't understand! Why can't you just ask him to stop?! Why am i involved??"

"Because he'll listen to you. i can't expose my identity just yet."


"Close your mouth."

His hand was gripping your throat tightly suppressing your breaths.

"You're too beautiful to kill. It'd be a waist of perfect skin. That's not the only reason i brought you here. Yes the mission is top priority, but i also want to have fun with you. Yes, it's probably what you're thinking. I want to get to know you at a different level. You're just so..."

His lips were grazing your neck. His warm breath made chills run all down your back.

"So appetizing."

He let go of your neck. You were reaching for breaths now, you wanted to be angry. You had a reason to be angry. But this time... you were nothing but hungry for him. You knew it was wrong and that excited you. You always thought he was this perfect young man. You grew up around his soft side. This new side of him made you terrified, yet so turned on. He wasn't like illumi or hisoka, he was different. He didn't treat you like a woman or even less like a friend. He treated you like a toy he used whenever he wanted and this, for some odd reason, made you want him even more. You were always in control of everything, so being controlled gave you an indescribable high.

Chrollo simply stayed there, kneeled down in front of you. He was waiting for a response. You didn't want to stay. You thought it'd be worse if you stayed and waited. Thinking more about the situation made you want to contribute less.

"Fine. I'll do it"

"Perfect. Come with me beautiful."

You both walked out of the dark room you were in. The hallway outside was the same as the room you were just inside of. The only difference was that the lights were a dim yellow. It made the halls look 10 times more expensive. It was also very difficult to differentiate between either of the halls. The thought of running for it briefly crossed your mind, but you knew that he was faster than you, and you also knew nothing about this place.

"So, i assume hisoka brought you here, correct?"

"Yes. How did you know."

"He's crazy about you. He never stops talking about you. I understand where he's coming from. You're a real beauty you know. I must keep you close to me."

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