Blood Moon Assassin's Ball (pt.1)

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When you looked around you you saw everyone with their own dates but everyone was looking directly at you and Illumi. As Illumi's family was the top family of assassins, he held a special title. Everyone looked up to him and his family and considered them idols. All the ladies around you looked at you with both fear and envy. You were in fact the lucky chosen one by Illumi Zoldyck. You didn't feel so special though since you and him had always been together, this didn't feel like anything weird. And you didn't feel like he had to be glorified only because he was a Zoldyck. You and him were very much on the same level of strength and endured the same amount of training.

When Chrollo had taken you hostage you found it weird how you couldn't use your powers while sliding down that eternal slide, he had used a nen ability that stripped you from yours. Or else you would've gotten out of there easily. You, Hisoka, And Chrollo were all on the same level of strength.

Illumi grabbed your hand and inter-winded his fingers with yours. He lead you to a huge black door. It was much bigger than that of the Zoldyck estate and it seemed much more heavy. Of course since this was no ordinary event, everyone attending had to be strong enough to at least open the first door. You and Illumi gave each other a look and nodded. You both agreed that you would show off and open all 20 doors. You went to the left and he went to the right. You wanted everyone watching to know that you were the strongest. They wanted you to know that you were worthy of the place you had.

"On my count Chai'Anne."

No one had said your real name in what felt like years.


You and Illumi both pushed both hands on your selected door and used your nen powers to further increase your strength. Without seconds passing, the doors were already starting to creak. From the first to the 10th door had opened immediately. Everyone around you gasped and some even cheered. This only fed into both yours and Illumi's egos. You both pushed even harder than the first time. Your hands started to light up with fire because of you using your nen. Illumi's aura started to turn from white to dark purple. Everyone around you watched in awe. Around 40 seconds had passed and you and Illumi were opening now the 17th door. There was a whole crowed of nearly 3,000 people watching and clapping now.

Illumi let one hand down and stretched it towards you.





You also let go of one hand and held onto Illumi's hand. He grabbed his pin and put it in between your thumbs and he focused his aura into the tip of the needle. You moved all your aura onto the rest of the needle. Your aura turned red while his stayed purple. Suddenly there was a huge loud noise and the needle started to emit a light bright as anything ever seen before. A few seconds passed and the light died out and the needle fell onto the floor. The needle that used to be golden was now a dark brown and smoke emitted from it. Both yours and Illumi's auras were now a bright golden and held immense power. Everyone around you stood, mouths wide open. You and illumi, still holding hands, let go and smirked. You both put your back up to the doors, which closed because of the automatic closing rule.

You both pushed once and all 20 doors flew wide open. You turned around to see everyone crouched down on the floor, covering their heads.

Illumi held his hand out to you once more and lead you inside, the most confident you've seen him. Even after all the commotion, you and him were both completely intact.

When you and Illumi walked in, everyone inside started cheering and yelling. You were confused because you assumed only the people outside saw it, but apparently everyone saw and felt that power.

"That was amazing!"

"That's that Zoldyck power!"

"Ive never seen anything like this!"

"Please teach us!"

The people cheered. You felt oddly embarrassed, but you felt proud. You loved being powerful. At one point in your life you were weak, and you wanted anything but to go back to that. You wanted to feel that type of power again. It grew on to you quickly. But you knew you had to restrain yourself.

Inside the hall room, which was huge, even bigger than you expected. The walls all around were stone which looked like over 2,000 years old. The floor was scarlet red and it was turned on like a light bulb. It resembled your dress a lot. The lights were all on and the tables were all set up. You looked around and saw about 5,000 people inside the hall. You doubted Illumi knew all of them and you also doubted they were all assassins. Some were children, some were adults, some were elderly people, and some didn't even look like humans, which you were used to. Illumi tugged on your hand and pulled you forward. He put his strong arm around your waist and lead you to a table full of people you recognized. The Zoldyck's and the Phantom Troupe, some you didn't know.

(The Order)
Silva, on one end, next to Kikyo.
Kikyo, next to Silva and Kalluto.
Kalluto, next to Kikyo and Alluka.
Alluka, next to Kalluto and Killua.
Killua, next to Alluka and Milluki.
Milluki, next to Killua and two empty seats.

Parallel to Silva sat Chrollo.
Chrollo, also on one end, next to feitan.
Feitan, next to Chrollo and Pakunoda
Pakunoda, next to Feitan and Machi.
Machi, next to Pakunoda and Aurora.
Aurora, next to Machi and Shizuku.
Shizuku, next to Aurora and two empty seats.

On the other side of Silva, sat Zeno.
Zeno, next to Silva and Leorio.
Leorio, next to Zeno and Kurapika.
Kurapika, next to Leorio and Gon.
Gon, next to Kurapika and Bisky.
Bisky, next to Gon and Hisoka.
Hisoka, next to Bisky and Luka.

On the other side of Chrollo, sat Phinks.
Phinks, next to Chrollo and Nobunaga.
Nobunaga, next to Phinks and Nisha.
Nisha, next to Nobunaga and Franklin.
Franklin, next to Nisha and Bonolenov.
Bonolenov, next to Franklin and Luka.
Luka, next to Bonolenov and Hisoka.

(in total, 26 seats.)

Illumi lead you to the empty seats between Milluki and Shizuku. You both sat and everyone greeted you kindly. Hisoka, who was directly in front of you, smirked and waved at you. You felt kind so you waved and smiled back. Other wise, you would've ignored him. Besides Hisoka, sat a young girl who had a a large ponytail and she was staring directly at Hisoka. I mean he is attractive but you're a child... look away from him you thought. Hisoka payed no mind and he started speaking with Luka. Luka was one of the new troupe members. You noticed that Nisha wasn't sitting with Nalani, but you saw him pointing at another table and when you looked over, you saw her at a table with a bunch of other ladies. They all seemed to be friends and you were glad that she was having fun.

After a few minutes, when everyone was finally seated, the waiters came through dark doors carrying food. Your table was the first served but all other tables were quickly served. A live band came on set and started playing some lovely music. There were musicians, in what seemed like like a band. One was holding a guitar, but next to them was an electric quitar. One was playing the drums. One was playing the violin, which next to them was a keyboard. One was playing the saxophone, which next to them was a tambourine. One was the lead singer. They were currently playing jazz, but you had a feeling they would change music further into the night. While you were eating, you noticed the lights started dimming slowly, very slowly.

(A/n: This part took a long time to write it was also very long! I hope you enjoyed! I'll be posting the next part very soon! votes appreciated :) Total words: 1,418)

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