His Dark Past

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(This part is about hisokas past (that i made up))

When hisoka, used to be named julian, was a young boy, around 5 years old his family was extremely poor. His father had an extreme gamboling addiction and was rarely home. On an unfortunate night, his father had gabled all his belongings, including his wife and child. He in fact lost everything.

That day Hisokas mother had decided she was tired of living with that man, grabbed up your few belongings from the tent you've been staying in for a few days, and left. No notes, no signs to where they might've left. Hisoka, still being a child was very confused. He had never been a loud or obnoxious baby, he was always very observant and was rather quiet. As he and his mother left, he saw some men approaching your tent, they were looking for them. Hisoka and his mother were too far away to be spotted, but hisoka saw his father for the last time.

beaten to a pulp, he heard him say through his heavy breathing:

"He... h-he h-has r-"
"SPEAK UP" said one of the men holding him my his little amount of hair
"you THINK??" said another man as he came from inside the tent, empty handed
"You don't know your own DAMN FAMILY?" he said almost upset at this
"n-no... i was n-never around h-him much, i hate h-him... I HATE HIM! I HATE THAT LITTLE BOY. HE RUINED MY L-"

Hisokas mother covered his ears and hugged him tightly. Hisoka had tears streaming down his face and his little heart was completely shattered. The one man that was supposed to love him, just said all those hateful things, he had no idea why.
Hisokas mother grabbed him tightly by the shoulders trying her best to distract him about what was happening in the background.

His father was just murdered.

She held him and told him to grab the few things they had stuffed into a backpack and run. To run as fast as he could straight ahead. She told him to not look back. To keep straight ahead. He silently nodded and took the bag. This boy could hardly understand what was happening.
For the last time, he hugged his mother and said words that he never thought he'd say "I love you mama" he said and before she could reply, he began to run.

Hisokas mother got up, wiped her tears from her face and went to face the men that had killed her husband. Despite all the remorse for him, she still oddly had love for him.

As she approached them, she said she was the wife. She then, to protect hisoka, said he had died of hunger. They nodded and escorted her to the car.

As hisoka kept running he never looked back. He slowly approached the outskirts of a city named meteor city. The light was dimming and he could barely see anything. keeping his head low looking for a place to stay, he bumped into a strong tall man.

"Are you lost boy?" said the man
"N-no i'm... im trying to get h-home."
"Alright promise?"
"P-promise" he said on the brink of tears.

as he approached a what he thought was an empty building, he laid his things down and scrunched up into a ball. Laying beside him were a stack of cards. He wasn't exhausted so he decided to play with them. He didn't exactly know what they were or how to play with them so he just shuffled them and tried to build a tower with them. he failed miserably.

Behind came a strong voice. He immediately recognized it. It was the same man that he had bumped into.

"This doesn't look like home."
He stayed silent
"Whats your name young man?"
Hesitating and remembering how his mother sacrificed herself for him, he decided to go by a new name and swore to leave his old one behind him.
"My name is Hisoka. Hisoka ... more... Morow. More-o... Hisoka Morow."
"Alright Mr.Morow, follow me"
This man was your father.

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