They've Returned

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Chrollo moved his hand closer in between your legs, teasing you. You squirmed to try and move him off but he kept you in your place.

"Why did you take Illumi to your house? Remember what we did there last night? You're taking another man to where i've already claimed? Bad girl." He smacked your ass.

"Hey! I'm trying to sleep." You said pulling the blankets back over your body.

"Tsk Tsk. You're making this harder then it has to be," He moved the blankets off the bed, leaving you uncovered. "Let's try this again shall we?"

You kicked him and made him get off of you. "Chrollo. Let. Me. Sleep." His gaze was deep and dull. "I'm tired. And i don't feel like having sec with you."

"Oh is that so?"


"Hmm fine, i'll go talk to Aurora then, see you."

"What— Youre joking right. Her? Over me? Please."

"Yep. See ya."


Chrollo turned around at the door, seeing you mad and confused. He giggled as he shut the door slowly.
You ran to the door ready to yell at him. When you opened the door you found Chrollo leaning on the doorframe.

"I thought we didn't want to have sex with Chrollo tonight, what's this?"

You pulled his shirt and led him back inside. He kicked the door shut and locked it. You pulled him into you meeting your lips with his. He started feeling your soft skin under your clothing, feeling you. Then you heard a knock at the door.

"Boss, we have a problem."

Chrollo let his head fall and let out a loud sigh. He opened the door to find machi and feitan holding an unconscious body. Hisoka.

"Omg-" You gasped after seeing Hisokas unconscious bloody body handing in between Feitan and Machi.

"What happened to him??" Chrollo questioned heading over to them and lifting Hisokas face to examine him. His nose was bleeding and his face was covered in scars.

"We were in the main hall when we saw purple smoke coming through the window. Me and Phinks ran to check what it was and saw a body falling from the purple clouds. I ran to see who it was and i found Hisoka. He was carrying another woman who was also unconscious. She was untouched." Said Machi, out of breath.

"Very well. Take them to the infirmary. Call Nisha immediately." Machi and Feitan ran carrying Hisoka to the infirmary room.

"Chai'anne, go get Illumi. Now." Chrollo said while he went to change into his purple coat and retrieve his book.

"A-alright." You ran frantically to the front door, tears streaming down your face.

You ran all the way to your house, considering the fact that you lived a few minutes away. When you opened the door, you heard water from the bathroom down the hall. You ran inside and found Illumi in a blood bath, soaking himself. He looked up then let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you ok?? Let me see your wounds..." You ran to him grabbing his arm, but found no wounds. "W-what? Why are you healed?? You should hav-"

"I healed myself. This water helped a lot" He splashed the water, some landing on you.

"Wha-what's in the water?" You said while sniffling.


You wanted to urge him and get him to the base but he looked really peaceful.

"Hisokas hurt. We need to go to the Troupes base. Get dressed fast."

"Hisoka's hurt? What do you mean? He's not here."

"Long story- please hurry up." You exclaimed while tugging at his arm.

"Fine. Can you fetch me some clean clothes please?"

"Oh yes." You ran to the closet in the bathroom and found some sweats and a long sleeve shirt. You looked for some clean underwear, but since you lived alone you didn't have any men's clothes. So in replacement for that, you grabbed some shorts. You turned around to give him the clothes and be on your way but Illumi was already out of the tub. His hair was dripping on his shoulder and back. He was tying a towel around his waist but when you turned around you got a view of everything. You felt your face get red. You didn't realize he was staring at you.

"My face is up here." He said, squeezing the water out of his hair. Your face reddened and you glued your eyes to the clothes on the floor.

You ran with your eyes closed to give Illumi his clothes... then he grabbed you by your arm.

"Why are you acting like a little girl? If you want to see me naked, just say it." He said then shoved your arm while taking the clothes.

"I-Ill be in the kitchen." You cried then ran out the room. You heard a sigh from the bathroom.

Illumi walked out stiffly due to the clothes that fit him tightly. You couldn't help but giggle.

"Shut up. Let's go." He said.

Once you got in the car to drive back to the base, you felt a sense of relief. All your friends were back, maybe not in the best state, but they were back. Things were slowly going back to how they used to be.

When you began to drive Illumi reached out his hand and laid it on your thigh. His fingers moved under your leg and pulled something out. One of his needles. He swept his hand back up, very, very slowly. His long fingers trailed the side of your leg, making shivers run down your skin. Your grip tightened on the wheel and your eyes were glued on the road, not wanting to look at Illumi.

Illumi laughed quietly then turned the radio up. Your face was burning but you paid no mind, you just wanted to get there as fast as possible.

"You're adorable. God i can't stop thinking of so many positions to put you in back at the bathroom. I thought of 23. You looked so sexy in every single of of them." He purred as he looked out the window, extremely relaxed.

"Will you shut up? I'm trying to drive." You said, kind of embarrassed.

"You're no fun," He reached over and pulled your leg over his, causing the car to shift briefly. "We have time..." Illumi's hand moved up your bare leg, slowly. "Let me show you what i can do..." His hand reached your center & began to rub gentle circles above the fabric. "With my body."

You kicked your leg away from him and put it back down. You were embarrassed at how bold he was being, and honestly you felt kind of disgusted. You felt like you were cheating on Chrollo, even though you were nothing. You remembered how Illumi treated you and how he so easily took advantage of you. Your eyes started to fill up with tears. You felt like you were being used by everyone around you. You felt like you were everyone's toy. All you wanted was someone to be genuine with you and not only use you for sex. You leaned closer to the steering wheel and felt droplets of tears fall on your hands. Illumi saw you. He was confused why you were upset. Your heart was so overwhelmed by all of these different feelings. You felt like you NEEDED a break from things, but that just wasn't an option, or so it seemed that way.

You got to the base and told Illumi to go inside. He nodded and left. Once he closed the door and was out of site, you began to cry out loud. Your heart felt like it was being punched by all the people around you. Nalani betrayed you for years, Hisoka was extremely selfish, Illumi used you, Chrollo lied, your father doesn't speak to you, your clients began to die out. You were losing it. Everyone around you is risking their lives and they don't even care to tell you. All they care about is how they will benefit from having you.

You wanted to leave... you'd be so much better off alone... away.

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