Rainy Days

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You woke up the sound of hard rain pouring. A thunderstorm. These reminded you of Killua. He always loved thunderstorms, he was such a fun boy to be around. But he made you think if Illumi and you wanted to avoid that.

You noticed you weren't alone in bed. Hisoka was right there, next to you. Still protecting you, but asleep. You tried to shuffle out of bed without waking him up, but you failed miserably.

"So fast darling~?"
"I thought you were still asleep"
"I was, but you're loud love."
"Jokes. Come lay back down baby"

You acted like you hated when he called you sweet names but on the inside it warmed your soul.

"I should get ready, i have to meet some clients today."
"Oh right, i forgot you were an assassin."
"Not an assassin, i just do my job."
"Which is to kill, which makes us the same huh"
You had to clean up before you left, so you headed for the shower.

You got out of bed and grabbed your phone, not checking it. You headed for the bathroom. Grabbing all the things you needed, like your fresh clothes, a towel, makeup, etc. Hopping into the shower, you turned on your favorite song, sadly, sang by your favorite clown. "Kyosou Requiem". He wrote this song and never stopped playing it, so you quickly memorized it. And to boost Hisokas ego a little more, you played it on speakers so he could hear.

"Ohhhh~ what do we have here?" He asked knocking at the door. You were already inside the shower
"Haha yup."

You heard the door unlock.

"No wait what are you doing?" You peeked your head through the curtains. Hisoka was wearing nothing but a towel draped around his waist. You couldn't help but savor the sight. His body was so perfectly carved. He heat from the hot water made it to hisokas skin, enough to cause the appearance of sweat. His soft skin shone with the condensation. You felt your mouth dropped and couldn't help but just stare in amazement.

"Want me to join~?"
"W-what? No you weirdo"

You did want him to join, but you didn't want things to be rushed. You knew you wanted him, but you wanted to savor the moment. You also wanted to play hard.

"Alright doll i'll be in the shower downstairs, scream if you need me" He said with a wink.

After you got done with the shower you got dressed. You wore a black sweater with come lose jeans & converse, a chill look for today. You didn't really feel like dressing up today, it was raining plus the clients for the day weren't all that important. Once you were done, you finally decided to check your phone.

You almost fell from the shock.
*2 messages from Chrollo*

"We need to talk."
"Meet me tomorrow night, hideout."

You couldn't believe this. What in the world did he want to talk about with me? Was it what happened at the restaurant? Was it how i hit him? What is it?
Why right now? I was having such a good time with His-

"Hey, we have a problem." Hisoka peeked from the door
"Huh? A problem? What happened?"
"It's Chrollo."
"CHROLLO." you were hot with anger again. What the hell does he want.

"So he just called me and told me he knew we were together, and he wanted you at his hideout tonight. If you aren't there by 9, he's gonna kill your father."

"Father? Oh god what does he want. He's crazy."
"I'll take you. I love you and your family i couldn't let anything happen to any of you. Come on let's go take care of your clients quickly."

And so you spend the day running errands with Hisoka, trying to distract yourself from the thought that tonight, you'd see a man you used to love. A man who you had deep feelings for but were all shattered when you saw him with another girl. After you saw him and decided to ask him about it, he let out that he was the phantom troupe leader and that he was in love with you. He had also denied that he saw another woman. Two lies, one truth. The woman you saw him with was none other than your sister, Shizuku. Half sister, but still. She was very distant, but the few times you spoke, she was very sweet. This was why it hurt so much. Because the look on her eyes when she saw you, was pure evil.

"Alright... we're here.... sure you'll be ok going in by yourself?
"Yeah. I think so. Thank you hisoka."
"Yeah of course. Call me if anything ok?"
You gave him a short kiss on the cheek
"I'll call you when i'm done"
"Alright doll, stay safe."

And now you were off to see the man.


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