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"Right after we left from the ball, we went to Illumi's house. There we prepared for our trip. We talked to Silva, who knew more about the dark continent. We knew that he knew because of Alluka, and we new Nalani and the other boy would be there because we saw a mark on their skin. After I noticed you left the hall, i went to look for you. Illumi followed me. We found those two talking on the phone... but they didn't have a phone. They had a weird device and a mark on their ear began to glow. As you may know, nothing remotely close to that exists here. I listened to what they were saying and that was when my suspicions were correct. They mentioned traveling multiple times. They mentioned "going back" multiple times. When i was investigating the dark continent i saw that they used that phrase a lot when traveling back. Of course not a lot of people live there. So i took my chances and i asked them if they needed help getting home. They immediately panicked and put up a fight. I cut their skin and implanted a GPS without them realizing. The hair was just something that got in the way. They were weak anyways. The boy looked like someone i've seen before, but i didn't give it much thought as i've killed way too many people to remember. Anyways, we talked to Silva about it and he mentioned that there was a way to get there faster, but you could only be there for a certain amount of time. He gave us a sphere of some sort. He called it 'The License'. He mentioned it was basically like a two way ticket to anywhere we wanted, but after 3 days, it sent us back. We new that we only had a limited amount of time to go there, find them, get my mother, and come back. I know she wants to see me again. I know she feels trapped i—" Hisoka covered his mouth with his hand and a tear streamed down his face. You reached up and held his other hand in yours. You caressed his skin softly, making sure he felt comforted. He continued to cry. You got up from the chair to comfort him more. You reached out to hug him, to embrace him. Your hands reached under his arms and you rested your head on his shoulder. You wanted to help him feel at ease.

"I'm ok... i'm ok." He said, composing himself again. " After we got there, i followed the GPS. I— i was mean to illumi. I told him to leave and we fought. We fought a lot. At the end, he gave up on helping me and left. He was mad Chai.... It's the first time i've seen him so upset. He left and i found them. My mother was afraid of them. Of both of them, i could tell. She barely recognized me but when she touched my skin... she knew. I grabbed her and ran as fast as i could I— they almost killed me. The man who killed my father. He almost killed me. i ran as fast as i could when i just fell. I passed out from the speed i was falling, but thankfully my mother wasn't harmed. I want to speak with her, but i know she's not conscious yet. Chai what do i do? What if she doesn't remember me? What if she—"

Your arms were embracing him still. You knew words wouldn't convince him, so you took another way. "She'll know who you are." You said, lifting your head and facing him. Your faces were now inches apart. You gave time no opportunity and your lips met. You kissed him softly. At first he simply stayed still but his lips parted to let you in. His hands traveled to your waist and held you close to his body. You could feel his heart beat traveling along your body. Your arms went up and wrapped around his neck, giving you more space to be closer. He was now fully kissing you in return. He felt your warmth in his arms which drove him crazy. He had never had you like this. It was always small portions, but this was different. You both needed this. You both wanted it.

You knew you couldn't do anything while in this meeting room but one single kiss established your entire future relationship. That friendship was over. It was only romance now. That kiss said everything. He wanted to have you all to himself, as you did. He wanted to taste every part of your body, as you did. Along with that, he shared his pain. The pain of his past, the pain of his killings, it was all there. He wasn't like Chrollo. Chrollo had love and care for you, while you tasted hatred and love with Hisoka. You always knew part of Hisoka hated you. But he hated you because of how much he loved you. Even though he may brush it off, he's crazy for you. Not a day has gone by where he doesn't wish you were in his arms— like you are now. He's been waiting for you.


You unhooked from his embrace and wiped your mouth with your sleeve. You opened the door and found Machi.

"Bad news." You looked back at Hisoka and saw him with his head down.

"A coma. We can't do anything about it, just wait. Apparently she was diagnosed with a severe case of anxiety. No one blames anyone. Just give it time ok." She said and stepped back out.

You walked over to Hisoka and found his face emotionless but calm.

"At least she's in a calm state now." He said, while pulling you from the waist. He laid his head on your shoulders. "Let me be this way with you Chai. I cant hurt you. You know i can't treat you as an equal. You're my superior in every way. You know I— ever since I met you I knew. I knew that I loved you. I knew i wanted to protect you with my life. You are everything i have. Don't take this from me." He whispered, softly nibbling on your ear.

You knew you what he was saying was important and you should listen, but his words sent shivers down your spine. He was intoxicating and you loved it. You loved him. And tonight— tonight you would show him.

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