The Last Man Standing

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Hello everyone! Thank you so much for supporting this story through all its ups and downs!! I appreciate all your kind words, all the funny things you say, and most of all your patience! It has not been easy to finish this story, but alas, this is the last chapter. Once again, I thank you all for your love and feedback. Thank you for the journey this has been! Enjoy!

1 year later...

As you watched the sun go down from your porch, the wind hitting your face, you came back to reality. You realized you had been day dreaming. Not dreaming... more like remembering. You thought if those moments where you shared time with them... and now looking back those were your favorite memories. You thought hard, thinking of how it all came to be the way it is now. Such traumatic moments had occurred, your brain almost forgot it had happened. And then it all came back to you.

Exactly 1 year ago...

Hisoka had already used 3 packs of fresh cards, all resulting in a blood bath. Cards on the ground, stuck on the wall, some destroyed and torn, others in Illumi's arms and in Chrollo's legs, some even in Hisokas neck. Then there were needles on the floor, in the wall, just the same as Hisokas cards. And one book lay on the floor next to Chrollo.

The aroma smelt of blood, sweat, desperate cries of anguish, of disturbance, of guilt, of anger. 4 bodies started, and now only 2 remained alive. "Was this really worth it?". That question popped into your head as you saw the scene before you.

The 2 men that fought for your love now gone. No more breath, no more thoughts, no more movements, no more of them. But they agreed on this. You didn't propose this outcome. They proposed it themselves.

"I've got nothing more to lose."
"Oh gladly i'll battle to death for your love~"
"I accept."

They knew this would be the outcome, yet they still accepted. Why? Where you really that important? What was so special about you? These thoughts never left your head. Not even 1 year later.

The game had started simple. A normal game of poker. Of course Hisoka suggested it since they were all simply suggesting a fight to the death, which inevitably would happen, removing the fun of course. The cards were split among the 4, you included.

As the same progressed, not a word was spoken. Everyone seemed to be in their own little world.

And then they got bored.

"I'm done with this bullshit. Chai'anne stop equating our time and chose someone for gods sake." Screamed Illumi.

You could only stare in silence

"I agree my dear, we've been going at it for a while i'm sure you've made up your mind?~" Hisoka agreed, flipping his cards on the table.

"Yes i agree." Chrollo added.

"I... Im so sorry."

"I don't think I deserve any of you. But i would like to ask one question. Why do you all fight for me? What is so special that you must fight for me?"

They stayed silent for a second until...

"Well dear.... I thought it was obvious. You have inherited the strongest power from your father. Your father has the power of life. I'm sure you knew this. Not only that, but you also have two souls in there." Chrollo pointed at your chest.


"After your father killed your mother and your "brother" was born... well... that's not what happened. Your father used his powers on your mother to... em... relieve her of the pain she was going through. He placed her soul in your body to be kept safe."

"H-how do you know this?"

"I haunted your father since I knew of his powers, and through the stories i heard and me being there that day, Observing, I saw it all."

"You knew this the whole time.... and never said a word to me?"

"I'm sorry Annie, i knew this would be big news but since i don't know if i will make it out, i felt you should know the truth."

And then Hisoka threw a card at Chrollo's throat.

"Watch what you saw to her Lucilfer."

And then they fought, they fought until the blood that once dressed their bodies was splattered on the wall. Until their beating hearts beat one last time. Until the nen that they had worked on so hard to perfect no longer existed. Until their eyes stayed wide open with the fear of their lives ending.

And there you stood, face splattered with red. The blood of the men you loved. Eyes sucked of life and empty. Your screams filled the air. The music that had once been playing now covered by your grieve. No one heard. Only the last man standing. A smile painted his face. His eyes full of relive and guilt. His once beautiful suit now stained with loss.


As you looked back, you saw him. The man who is your soon to be husband. He was oh so beautiful. The killing he once dedicated his life to now gone and replaced with nothing but love for you. You both had adopted a beautiful kitty, resembling both of you to perfection. A beautiful house. Just for you and him. And maybe... just maybe someone else in the future.

In your living room, there were two specific pictures, with candles always lit. 2 colors, representing their favorite outfits. The two men adorned these pictures. The frames adorned with their favorite things. You missed them every single day, and you regretted letting them figure it out by themselves. But... it was worth it. You finally came to the conclusion. It was all worth it.

You felt two strong hands hug your waist, and their warm breath on your neck. And as your hurtful memories flashed before your eyes, you realized. This is where you belong. In the arms of the man who won. He was the one. You belong here.

And his name was...

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