Now What?

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Then you woke up.

You laid on the ground, desert rock. The sky was purplish-grey, indicating storm. There was a chilling wind that made the crows leave their nest to find a better place. You vaguely remembered this place, it was in the back of your memory, but you remembered. It was the place you trained alone, for those long months trying to get yourself back together. Why are you here? How did you get back here? Where is everyone? Why are you alone? Why?

Your head was pulsing, all you could hear was a light ding in your ears. Your vision was blurred and it was wavering but you could make out your surroundings. This cruel place that held you captive for so long. Or rather you held yourself captive.

You looked around for someone, anyone, but no one was around. You touched your body, looking for a phone or any for of communication and found nothing. Finally, your vision came back, and your surroundings became clear. The land was flat for as far as you could see, all hard desert rock, and the purple sky.

You managed to pick yourself up from the cold floor. You looked down on your clothing and realized this isn't what you remember wearing.

"ILLUMI!" You yelled. You remembered being with him last. This isn't what you were wearing, you looked different. You wore white bandages all around your arms and neck. You had a black tattered top and loose brown pants, filled with dirt.

'Was that all a dream?' You asked yourself. You felt your eyes cloud with tears at the thought, praying that it wasn't true.

So you ran. You ran as far was you could see, and after you reached that point, you ran even more. You ran towards them, the three men who saved your life. The three people who saved you, even for a little, from this cold truth that was your life. You hated everything about your life up until you met them. A broken family, a job that required you to torture and kill. You hated yourself more than anything. The fact that you held no remorse after doing those killings because you deemed they 'deserved it' or 'that was their purpose'. You hated yourself because you knew even if you tried, you couldn't stop. You fell in love with the cries for mercy. You fell in love with power. Hisoka, Illumi, and Chrollo felt just like you. Everything you hate about yourself is what you love about them. Their drive to do whatever they want without fearing what the consequences will come with. But you weren't that way. You feared everyday that life will stab you in the back once more. You feared life would take them just the way it took your mother who you loved so dearly.

Your body was aching, begging for you to stay down and let it rest— but you paid it no mind. You told yourself to run, to find them, to make sure they were safe. You no longer cared about choosing one of them— that seemed like child's play now. You only cared about their safety and prayed they were alive.

You saw a city, a big city. York New. You tears began to swell in your eyes as you prayed and prayed that they even remembered you. When you got to the center of the city you desperately looked around to find someone. When you didn't see not even one familiar face, you knew where to go next. The Zoldyck's.

You knew that they would remember you, they raised you. You quickly reached the mansion, barely, but you reached it. You opened the doors, but only managed to open one due to your exhaustion. You ran past Mike, who looked a little older than you remembered, but told yourself it was only your vision.

You reached the mansion and knocked frantically on the door. The door swung open leaving a mad Kikyo standing at the door. Her face softened when she realized who you were and her arms swung around your fragile body.

"CHAI'ANNE! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??" She scream-sobbed calling the attention of everyone in the mansion. You were confused at her question. As far as you were concerned, you were only gone for a few months which was nothing weird in this family.

"Ive been with Illumi and-"

"With Illumi? He hasn't visited us in 3 years, or even called. Where is he?" Silva said from behind Kikyo.

"He must be around here somewher- Wait... three years?" You asked.

"Ever since he joined that troupe that Kalluto joined, he hasn't returned. We've tried calling him back but there's nothing. We're so proud of him for finally moving out and starting his own business as an assassin full time." Silva and Kikyo both nodded to each other.

As the news fell on you, you realized what happened. It was a dream. Nothing that happened was real. Not them all wanting to win your heart, not you joining the troupe, not you loosing Nalani, not Hisoka finding his mother, not you going to the ball, not Chrollo saying he loved you, not Illumi apologizing for his mistakes, Nothing. Nothing was real.

You fell on your knees, giving up the will you even stand. Your cries could fill a stadium full of noise. You could feel your limbs tremble beneath you as your body collapsed to the floor. Kikyo rushed over to your called body and tried to aid you warmth, but nothing worked. Your pain was much too big to contain or be soothed by a simple hug. You needed them.

You saw Zeno brush his hand over your eyes and put something in your mouth, a drop of liquid. Within a few moments, you saw a light coming from your body. Your weak body began to gain strength back as you levitated onto the air.

Your appearance changed, your mind settled, your worries ended. This liquid Zeno had given you was a healing serum, that not only healed your body, but your mind and your pain.

Your hair turned a bright red, leaving the old color behind. Your left eyes turned black while the right turned a bright red as well. Your old clothes were discarded and were replaced by new. Your bandages remained, but were replaced with new ones. Your top turned into a black top that simply covered your chest, giving you mobility but remaining seductive. Your brown pants were replaced with a red and black king skirt with two openings on the sides of your hips. The red decorated the edges of the skirt while the black remained everywhere else.

As your body went back down, Silva stood in front of you. He handed you a katana that matched everything about you. The handle was matted black, the blade was shiny to the end and had your name carved onto the side of it. On the handle, There were 3 red rhinestones.

Without a word, they all went back inside and shut the door. You stood, waiting for what to do next. Your mind was cleared now. You felt the pain, but now, finding them was important.

'What now?' You asked yourself. As if someone had heard the question, an answer popped into your head. 'Find them'. It was clear that's what you had to do. So you ran, now with a clear goal in mind,

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