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You nervously walked into the hideout, which was different from what you expected. The place wasn't how it was last time you went to their hideout. This time it looked like an actual building. It was kind of hidden, enough to appear like an actual buisness, yet enough to be overlooked. It was smaller compared to the other neighboring buildings.

As you went to open the door, an elderly couple walked out. You excused your self and held the door open for them. When you walked in you were stunned. It was an actual restaurant. You went to the counter, not sure if this was the right place. Turning to you was a face you recognized. Shizuku.

"Uh hey um i'm here to see Chro-"
"Down the hall to the right."
"Oh... ok"

This was a weird interaction because even though she was very quiet it seemed as tho she didn't want me to say his name, which would make sense, he's kind of a criminal. But why were they hiding in plain open space?

You walked through the halls of the cramped little restaurant and even tho it seemed like no one would ever find this place, some people were here, just chatting like they have no idea who's here. You reached the end of the hall and sure enough there was a door to the right. You were kind of nervous but not too much, after all this place was in public.

"Ok here we g-"

As you were walking into the door, you fell into a slide. You were so confused but you didn't have time to think, you simply grabbed onto yourself for comfort and closed your eyes. Moments passed and you felt as though this slide was eternal. You felt like you were starting to suffocate and you started to panic. You began to hit the sides of the slide trying to stop yourself but it was oddly slippery. You couldn't grab a hold of anything and became more desperate. Normally, if you were thinking straight, you would've activated your nen and used something to break out of this makeshift slide, but you were the furthest from thinking straight. You wanted to breathe but you couldn't, and you started to feel light headed. At this point you stopped struggling and you let go of yourself, you were losing sight and things were getting blurry. After a few moments, you were passed out.


"Boss. She's arrived." Feitan said to Chrollo.
"Good, well done. Take her to the room." Chrollo responded.
"Boss what will you do with her? I'm sure she won't be easy to deal with." it was machi now
"I'll be fine. She knows me. And i know her. Thank you for worrying."

The two members left worriedly through the dark corridor.

"Hisoka, thank you for bringing her safely."

"Of course boss~ Now, when will i get my reward~?"

"As soon as i'm done with her. I don't plan on being so nice to her. Whatever happens to her completely depends on my mood."

"Well i expect my prize regardless. I've been eager to have that rematch with you Chrollo~"

"Dont address me so casually, you clown."

"Oh boss~ forgive me, i just can't help but feel so close to you now~ sharing this little secret "

"I can't wait to see that look on her face when she realizes you betrayed her."

"I didn't harm or lie to her, i simply followed your orders and she didn't seem to oppose"

"Well regardless, she's safe now, you don't need to worry about her. And please when you get to the base, use Illumi's needles to dress up as him."

"Of course, i don't want to ruin the fun just yet~"

~Back to your pov~

You woke up with a ringing in your ear and your head spinning. You didn't know where you were. The  surface you were laying on was matte black and it was freezing. Next to you was a glass of water and a piece of bread. As you went to take a drink you heard the door opening. You quickly pushed yourself to the wall. Before you was Chrollo Lucilfer.

You stayed silent.
"I'm sure you're confused, so let me explain. I brought you here for your safety. I didn't want anyone to harm you. I'm sure there were more efficient ways to bring you here but in all honesty, i didn't want to wait. Well enough of formalities. Let me tell you why you're here."

"Ive missed you by the way."

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