Its Always About You

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Illumi didn't hold back after this, he said he wanted you and he meant it. Since last time both of you met, he was the only one who was pleased. You thought maybe it was your turn and he would take control, but he didn't think that way. He wanted you to please him again, since he was still a virgin as well, he didn't know what to do. You didn't know either, but you learned quickly.

He started to push you down so you could suck him off again, but you were confused.
"Illumi what are you doing?
"What do you mean?" he said blankly
"Um..." You didn't know how to ask for him to please you without it being awkward.
"it's my turn?" you continued awkwardly
"Yes... What do you mean no?"
"Please me."
"But you already got your turn, what about me?"
"So that's a no from you. Fine then leave."
"Leave if you don't want to please me. Just go"
"I-" You wanted to punch him for acting like he had no idea what you meant.
"Fine. F*** off." You were angry.

Quickly putting your shirt back on you were on your way out. As you were approaching the door, he grabbed your arm
"Why are you mad?" he questioned
"Are you joking? Why are you making this about you? First you make me come all the way over here, then just expect me to do whatever you want? Just who do you think you are?"
"I'm Illumi Zoldyck."
"Oh my goodness leave me alone. What isn't clicking? How do you not understand what i'm trying to get at? The world does not revolve around you"

And with that you left. There was no big reason for you to be mad, it was mostly built up anger, but you were fuming. You were so angry and to say the least you didn't know know why what happened happened. Illumi just pulled you away from hisoka, and just called you for pleasure. It's almost like he was using you as his personal toy. As you ran down the halls of the Zoldyck mansion, tears building up in your eyes, you ran into Silva. Literally bumped into his chest, which caused you to fall on your back.

"H-hey Mr.Zoldyck" you said sniffling
"Are you ok?" he said while helping you up
"Yes im ok, thank you"
"We're you on your way out?"
"Alright stay safe, come visit again"
"Yes thank you sir"

And with that you started running again.
You wanted to see Hisoka again. He was the best comforter, he always cracked the dumbest jokes which made you laugh uncontrollably. His scent was so soft, and his touch was so gentle. You knew that asking for his help could come with a cost. Every time you wanted a favor from him he made you do the dumbest things, like for example: When you were 15, he made you go all the way to France and buy him 3,000 packs on bungee gum... the favor was if he could reach a paper from the shelf you couldn't reach. But regardless, you gave him a call.

'Hey doll, are you ok?'
'Yea yea.... well no'
'Whats wrong cupcake?'
'Can you just... come to my cabin'
'Right now?'
'You know that's going to come with a price right' he was happy now
'Yes i know.'
'Alright i'll be right there, kisses'

You hated the thought of doing stuff for someone else, but right now, you didn't care.
At this point, you had about 30 missed calls from Illumi, and honestly, even though you had no reason to be mad, you didn't want to speak to him, so you turned your phone off.

*door knocking*
"It's me doll"
Hisoka was here.

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