The Invasion (1)

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A few days passed by, you remained at the spiders base. At this point, you all already had your roles figured out and the plan for the invasion you would do. You had told Chrollo that you were talking to Hisoka in the room and panicked when he came in. He was very calm about it and just asked you not to do it again.

Your role in this invasion would be next to Chrollo. You would perform the most difficult killings of opposed. You both would work as a duo, to which you have been training everyday for. You worked excellent together since your nen complimented each other. Hisoka and Illumi would join the troupe in the mass killings. This plan would basically make you and Chrollo the king and queen. The invasion would take place this day.

"Chai, we leave at midnight. Are you ready?" Chrollo shouted from the bathroom, getting dressed. You walked into the bathroom dressed in a long black dress. There was a long slit on the side. You wore black heels and your hair was picked up in a messy bun, but it looked fancy.

The plan was that you and Chrollo would sneak into the meeting as one of the mafia and once they disclosed where the merchandise lay Chrollo would relay to the rest of the troupe and begin the heist.

"Woah Annie. You look amazing." Chrollo said, stretching his arm out and grabbing your waist. He looked at you while in his arms, admiring your beauty. His lips met yours, softly. Your hands cupped his face and kissed him back. He used his other hand to squeeze your body. Your hands trailed to the back of his neck and held onto him.

When he parted from the kiss and a string of saliva stretched out from your lips. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, took a deep breath and went in again. This time, his tongue took over most of the job. His teeth grazed your lower lip, all along until they reached the end. He breathed low and deep, taking in the moment.

"One day Annie... One day you will be all mine. And when that day comes— moments like this will be eternal." He whispered, holding your hands in his. His thumb caressed the top of your skin, making your heart race. He looked up at you and kissed your head. You leaned in for a final hug before departing to your mission, to which you might not make it out of. After a few moments of silence, you ended the hug and went to fix your makeup.

"I hope that day comes soon." You said as you were leaving the room.

You, along with the rest of the troupe members, Hisoka and Illumi, sat in the main hall, awaiting Chrollo.

"Alright guys, are we ready?" He said as he walked in the hall, with a very nice suit on. His hair was slicked back messily, appearing more rich and fancy. He reached out for your hand, to which you took. "Me and Annie will infiltrate their meeting, acting as one of their own. We're going to send the locations of the merchandise as soon as we get the information. If anything does happen, i want feitan to relay the message to the rest of the group, and to secure the merchandise. Me and Annie are strong, nothing will happen to us. We will make this invasion a success. Trust us and trust yourselves. We are the spiders. We will win." He said, throwing his hand in the air to represent victory.

The other troupe members clapped and cheered, as if they had won already. "LETS GO!" Multiple members shouted this, causing everyone to jump up and head for the door. You remained next to Chrollo, watching everyone leave.

"Let's go Annie, we shouldn't be late." He explained while interlocking his fingers with yours.

You were going to be one hour early to the event, and no one suspects a thing. Chrollo arranged everything just so you two could go together. In this invasion, you would act as a married couple. You just know he's going to enjoy this.

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