We Meet Again

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In the morning, you woke up to about 2,000+ text messages from different clients requesting your abilities. Choosing to get to those later you began to get ready for your long awaited meet with Hisoka. You hadn't seen him since you left 8 months ago to work on your ability. In the span of those 8 months you saw not a single person. It was just you and your mind for 8 months straight.

*9:10 am*
Hisoka: 'Hey doll, you up yet?'
You: 'Yea i've been up for about an hour'
Hisoka: 'Alright i'll send the location to the restaurant'
*sends location*
'meet me at 10:30'
You: See you there ❤️

You quickly got up and decided to go for a quick run around the woods. The sun was already up so you thought this was perfect timing to spend some time working on your body. In the 8 months out by yourself you managed an incredible speed without using nen. You managed to be able to keep up with a cheetah. In an amount of 5 minutes you had already ran 5 laps around the whole circuit of the gated woods. Feeling accomplished with yourself you ran back to the cabin to freshen up. It was now 10 so you decided to be on your way. Walking down the crowded roads of york new city you couldn't keep but feel overwhelmed. You hadn't seen so many people in such a long time, it felt new to you. Quickly wanting to escape that catastrophe, you called a cab.

Hopping in, you told the driver the location and they left immediately.

"So what brings you to town?" The driver said wanting to strike up conversation
"Oh just here to visit some family" you lied through your teeth. You were really only here to make up with your friends for being gone for such a long time without notice.
"Ah i see, i started this job to be able to help my family, back in meteor city" he said
You immediately recognized his voice and gasped. Deciding to not give away that you knew who he was you kept the conversation light
"Oh i see, i've been there a few times"
"Yea things aren't looking too bright, but you know what they say, 'The spider can move even without the head'" he said while looking at you through the mirror
The rest of the car ride was silent.

"Alright miss, we're here."
Quickly getting out of the cab you felt your heart start to race
"Thanks for the ride, Chrollo."
And you slammed the door.

You and chrollo left off on terrible terms the last time you were together. He had finally confessed to you that he was the Phantom troupe leader and that he had strong feelings for you in the same sentence. You had lashed out on him for keeping this a secret from him and accidentally, with your power, you hit him with one of the rocks laying near you. Weirdly enough this rock had left a scar in the middle of his forehead which he chose to cover up with a compass/cross tattoo of some sort.

Walking confidently and excited to the restaurant you saw how beautifully it was decorated. You couldn't help but feel giddy like a kid. As the servant asked for the reservation name you felt a tap on your shoulder. Quickly turning around you gasped loudly. It was him. Hisoka.

He was wearing a grey button up long sleeve shirt with a ribbon-scarf as a tie. His hair was dyed a light pink with light blue highlights, your favorite mix. He was holding a single rose between his plump lips.

You couldn't help but run into his arms, like a princess does after being saved by a knight in shining armor. Your eyes were for some reason tearing up, maybe from how much you actually missed him.

He tightly hugged you back and kissed your cheek "You look beautiful" he said softly into your ear.

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