I Know You Best

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As you left for your cabin you felt your phone start to ring.
'Hisoka 💕" showed up on your screen.

"Hey, i heard you're back in town"
"The word for around that fast? I'm impressed, i was expecting just a couple more hours of peace" You teased.
"I miss you" he said softly

This wasn't weird for you to hear, as he was always very sweet and caring towards you. He always seemed to have a soft spot for you and treated you with the upmost respect.

"Miss you too... where are you right now?" you asked
"York new, i had a a few things i needed to pick up and just decided to stay over night"
"I see, i have a client here so i'm here as well"
"When can i see you?"
"I'm tired right now hisou, maybe tomorrow morning?"
"Sounds good for me, sleep well sweetie"
"You too hun"

And with that you were home.

So many people thought of Hisoka as a pervy creep, which you never understood. He was completely different with you. He never once acted that was towards you, he showed his true self around you and that made you special. He always looked after as if you were a fragile creature but he knew damn well you were way stronger than he is. He was so sweet, always taking every single chance he could to surprise you and give you gifts. You saw past what everyone took him as. He was fragile. His past was so dark and his only way to cope was fighting. After what he went through as a child he promised to protect his loved once and he swore to always be strong enough to defend those he had left.

~Flash back~

When you were 15, yoy had gotten yourself in some trouble. You had dated a boy, his name was Andre. He was a few years older than you and was known as "The bad boy" around your neighborhood. One day while you were coming back from school (Which you went to the Zoldyck's house for, since they were close friends of your family) a group of boys were all packed in a truck. As you walked down the sidewalk you realized who they were. They were your boyfriends 'friends'. They started screaming at you and telling you to get in the car with them or you would be sorry. Not aware of who you were, you quickly reacted to this threat, as you were taught, and activated your nen. You became invisible. They were frightened. Quickly activating your assassin mode, you snapped their necks in a matter of 3 seconds, including your boyfriends. Hisoka was already behind you, aware of how much your power drained you, he quickly ran to you and managed to catch you before you fell. You being almost unconscious, gave him a kiss. With this one kind act, he began to develop strong feelings for you. He expressed this many times but you always said that you didn't want to ruin the friendship, despite the fact that you also had strong feelings for him. After that day, you swore to never date men that were older than you.

~End of Flash back~

Already For bed, you quickly fell asleep, ready for what next day would bring...

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