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You knew that what Hisoka went through was absolute hell, and you didn't want to hurt him. But you also knew that what you've gone through together deserves more respect. Hisoka was given a home by your father at a young age, though not raised by him. Hisoka was raised by someone you had never met. Even when you didn know him as a kid, he's still acted the same. He's never changed, he's simply grown.

"What happened? Tell me and do not lie to me." You said as you leaned onto the doorframe, crossing your arms.

"I understand. Can we go somewhere more private? I don't want anyone to overhear. Please?" He said softly, touching your arm. His touch was so gentle.

"Fine." You said, trying your best not to give in to his touch. You walked down the halls towards the troupe. You found machi and asked her where we could talk. She gave you a key to a meeting room and told you to call if anything happened. You and Hisoka walked down to the meeting room. The door opened with ease and you quickly got in and shut the door back up from the inside.

"Before you start saying anything i want to make something clear. I am nothing to you. You have no need to treat me different then the rest. I understand you care for me but you've no need to fake your kindness to please me. I know how you act to other so cut the act. I don't care about that anymore, I want see you like everyone else does. Stop giving me special treatment. Treat me as an equal, not as someone you have to protect." As you said every word you inched closer to Hisoka, pointing your finger menacingly at him. He looked at you in awe. By the time you got done speaking, he want pushed against a wall with your finger placed on his chest. He looked in between your eyes and your finger searching for lies. He didn't find them.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" He said holding your wrist, with very light pressure. "Are you positive?" He asked applying a bit of pressure.

"Yes." You said confidently.

He nodded in agreement and walked down to a table and sat on it. He placed his feet on a table and leaned his body onto his knees. "I love you... But you just made a mistake." He said in a dark tone. "First... in my absence you sleep with another man, and not just any man— Chrollo. You let him touch you. You let him taste you. Something i've never had. He got first. Second... you didn't even bother to call while i was gone, fighting for my life. Do you..." He turned his head towards you slowly, darkness filling the room. "Do you think that is acceptable?" His eyes were dark.

You had no idea how to react. You didn't belong to him so why was he so upset— In your mind you did nothing wrong. You're an adult, you can decide for yourself.

"Yes. I do think this is acceptable. I do whatever i want. You down own me." You purred, lifting your head slowly in confidence.

You heard him chuckle as he rose from the table. He walked over to you, laughing louder as he approached you. He reached you, forcing you to step back until you reached the wall. He moved his finger, like swinging something. You turned on your gyo to see what he did. As you thought, he used bungee gum. The gum pulled you into the wall, keeping you in place. He kept walking towards you.

When he reached you, his hand reached behind your head. He leaned into your face and looked at you in the eyes. His eyes proceeded to trail down your body, observing. He pulled out a card from his pocket and licked it slowly. Blood immediately drew from his tongue. He smirked and giggles softly.

"You're different. You disobey me— you act on your own account." He clicked his tongue. "This is unlike you... you're not a good girl anymore. You're a brat. We must change that. Tell me you'll change and i'll stop. Say nothing and i'll do as i please"

"Get off of me." You said, smirking sofltly. You pushed him back but because of the bungee gun you were stuck to, you didn't move. In a matter of nanoseconds, Hisoka was back at your neck, this time with his card to your neck. He did g give you a second to react and left a straight line along your skin. He did this 2 more times, drawing an "H" on your skin. Marking you. He looked at his artwork for a few moments the moved his tongue onto your skin. He dragged it across the surface that had blood on it. Once he got all of the blood, he spit it out besides you. He went back to the cut and sucked on your skin, making sure to get every single drop of blood.

His hand reached your jaw and he caressed your cheek with his thumb. "My pretty girl... you made me cut you. Don't make me do it again." He undid his bungee gum and let you free. He walked back to his place at the table and motioned for you to follow. "You will listen to my story now." You followed directions and sat on the chair next to him, waiting for him to speak.

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