You're Too Beautiful To Cry

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"Illumi dear, where are you?" Kikyo explains through the phone.

"I'll be back soon, don't worry." He answers stiffly

"But your father he-" The line cuts off

Illumi had given up on any source of reason. He thought about his mistake, leaving Chai. All he could think about was how stupid he sounded, and how much lack of confidence he showed. He knows his worth. He knows how much he deserves. Yet, he struggled to comprehend his mistake. He wanted her to find him, yet she didn't.

After weeks and days of waiting, he grew impatient and seeked out for her. 'Fuck...' He whispered to himself as he ventured through the streets approaching her home. He hadn't heard of any of them since he left, and he was sure they had gone to console her, yet he prayed they never laid a hand on her. He had her first after all... how good she was.

His hands felt clammy and cold, something weird for him to experience since he always remained calm. With a shaky hand, he knocked on the door, waiting.

Chai'anne's pov-

As i sat in my living room, i heard the door. I hadn't received any visitors in a while, which felt odd. I missed the physical contact and constant attention, though I didn't want to appear needy. I raced to the door, not sure of what to expect. My hair was a big mess, considering that i had stopped giving a shit about my appearance. My clothes were also not the cleanest, as i hadn't changed out of my red stripped pajamas.

I slowly opened the door, gasping at the glance I caught. Without thinking, i slammed the door shut.
I held onto the door knob, pressing harder onto it so the other person couldn't enter. Illumi.

Without even a sound of struggle, the door opened wide, attempting to smack me in the face. I jumped back quickly, toppling on my feet and falling backwards.

"Are you ok?" He asked, inching closer to me

"I-i um y-yeah I— Illumi h-hey w-what are y-you d-doing...? I asked, cringing at the stuttering.

He crouched down to my height and leaned onto his knees. His eyes penetrated mine, forcing me to look away. His hand traveled to my face and grabbed my jaw, a pain jabbing me in the eyes. Tears.

"You look awful." He said.


I said nothing as warm tears streamed down my face. I kept my eyes glued to his eyes, appearing brave. He stared back, emotion being a void in his eyes. He grabbed my arm and without a sign of trying, he pulled me in his direction. His strong arms dragged my body across the floor. I tried to pull my arm back, failing miserably. He simply looked back, then back in front of him.

He stopped at the stairs, then jolted my body in front of him. "Walk." He said dryly, tilting his head motioning me to move. I quickly ran up the stairs, fearing him.

He motioned me to the bathroom, pushing me into the shower. He slammed the door shut. He inched closer to me and began to tear my clothes away. His soft hands yet touch touch glided my skin removing the dirty clothes from my body. I could tell he was disgusted at the view, who wouldn't be?

After a few moments, i laid naked in front of him, unsure of what to do. He browse through my drawers, finding the object that was so necessary.

"God your hair is disgusting. What happened to you?" He asked as he brushed the knots out of my nasty hair.

"I dont know..." I said in a whisper.

(Back to normal pov-)

When Illumi was done with his maltreatment, she found herself being placed inside the shower, cold, then warmer body engulfing her dirty skin. It felt like heaven to her. Illumi, he didn't leave. He was going to clean her up. Whatever happened while he was gone, he didn't know. He knew it was his fault, so he did what he thought was correct. He fixed her. In his mind of course.

"I'm sorry i left." Illumi said while cleaning my body with a wet and soapy rag. she very much needed this tender care, yet lost the motivation to even move. "I realized what my mistake was, and i am sorry. Allow me to come back, please." He said, genuinely.

She never thought those words would come from him. He was always cold and never admitted to his mistakes. But now, he wants to not only, come back for her, but he wants to win her over?

"Illumi..." Is all you managed to say. You couldn't help but feel at your most vulnerable state with him. Even with your past, all the things you guys went through, he always got to you. Wether it be that he used you for pleasure, or made you realize just how much you needed his touch. There was something about his touch that just made you melt into him. It could be the fact that when you trained together, he would ignore his pain and help you heal. Or maybe when you would cry at the fact that you were alone, he would console you, even without saying a word. He really was necessary in your life, like it or not.

Illumi's hands were caressing your skin, wiping off the soap with the warm water from the shower head. Your back was turned to him, so he couldn't see the fact that your eyes were brimming with tears. He never realized how much effect he had on you. Every single time you saw him, you were reminded of his gentle touch when he dealt with your body. Of the noises he would make out of pleasure. Of the look on his face when you would mix your powers and become hundreds of times stronger. Or the look of his eyes whenever you told him he hurt you, the look of immediate regret and pain.

Illumi's hand stretched to your face that was still dripping in the water. Some of the water droplets traveled to the bottom of his arm, getting his clothing wet. He held your jaw with his fingers, turning you to him.

"You're too beautiful to cry." Is all he managed to say before hooking his lips onto yours. His lips were as gentle as you've ever felt. His finger held your face in place so you wouldn't even dare move. You weren't expecting this act from him, so your red puffy eyes remained wide open. You observed as his big black eyes were closed, taking in the moment. You felt his cold breath on your wet skin when he would break the kiss to get some air. Without even realizing, you melted into his touch. His kiss took you to another level you never thought you'd reach. It wasn't pleasure, it wasn't sexual. Instead, it was romantic and pure gentleness.

You forgot all the times he made your heart ache. You forgot all the pain he made you feel. All you could think of was now. Only Illumi.

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