The Troupe

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Illumi sat in the chair, his head hung and blood all over his body. His hands were tied behind his back. He noticed that someone walked in and looked up, a tear forming in his eyes. He gave you a defeated look and all you did was put your hands to your mouth, gasping.

"All well?" Chrollo asked, unbothered by the bloody Illumi.

"Yes boss, appears that way." Machi said quickly, relaxing her defensive position.

"Chrollo what's going on?" You ran to him grabbing his arm.

"He tried to kill me. Yesterday, that was his doing. At the restaurant. He knew i had reserved that day, he did not know i was with you. Apparently this was Silva's orders, so i will not kill him this time. If he tries to pull this act once again, he will not see another day."

"ILLUMI?" Your head jerked to your side, seeing Illumi completely defeated.

"I.... I had to." He whispered after spitting out some blood

"Where's Hisoka?!"

"Dark Continent. He told me to leave him alone. He'll be back in a few days, maybe."


"He asked me to."

Chrollo pulled you into his arms, resting his chin on your head.

"There there... he will return."

Illumi's bloodlust activated. He saw how touchy Chrollo was with you, which only spiked him to kill.
Chrollo noticed and he smirked. You didn't realize what he was trying to do, you were simply trying to comprehend the situation.

"Alright, you can let him go now. He's had a taste of us. You should've never left us Illumi."

"Not my choice. It appears as if nothing i did was my choice. I'm not in control of my life." He said as he rubbed his wrists, getting up from the chair and walking towards you and Chrollo. "Can i talk to her?"

"Sure." Chrollo let go of you and you followed Illumi outside.

Once you were outside Illumi turned to you, a solemn look on his face.

"I told you to stay away from him... Why didn't you listen?"

"I don't take orders from anyone. He's my friend, i can be around him as much as i want."

"Did he get you? I mean, did he get to touch you? Please you? Did he?"

"Why would that matter? I'm saying in gener-"

"He touched you?" His eyes were full of rage.

"Yes. And? You had an opportunity, which you let go of. You're so selfish. You left to the dark continent without even saying anything. You do things without considering how others will feel! You think i'll fall in love with a person like that? Do you really think that i'll be so stupid as to be in love with y-"

His arms wrapped around your body. You could feel tears landing on your shoulder. His voice quivered and he broke down in front of you. You caught him before he fell, returning the hug.

"I want to be set free... i- I WANT FREEDOM IF MY OWN MIND! EVERYDAY THAG GOES BY IM BEING CONTROLLED BY MY FAMILY. I WANT IT TO STOP. I WANT TO BE ABLE TO MAKE DECISIONS FOR MYSELF LIKE YOU DO. I," He dropped to the floor. His head was touching the dirt, and his tears flowed down his face heavier then before. "I hate me... I should've never done that to you, but having someone be there for me... i got carried away. I love you. So much. I want you to love me too."

Your heart shattered. You realized the exact situation that he was in. He was forced into training at a young age. And even though you went through similar experiences, you were able to escape that hell when you moved out. But he was forced to stay. He was forced to kill against his will. He was forced to fight. You realized that when you were younger, Illumi was a very happy and calm person. But after years went on, he became cold hearted, losing his feelings. Losing his humanity as a whole and becoming a test subject and a puppet for the Zoldyck's. But they called this love. They told Illumi they did this to him for his own good. They tell him that they control him because he will be better this way. And he buys it. He listens. He does what he is told. Because this is the only way he's known how to live. But he saw you. He observed you. He saw how, after all those years of training, you still remain... you. He envied that. He wanted to be set free, like his brother. He wanted someone to rescue him. For a while he thought that would be Hisoka, but Hisoka didn't dare. He knew how powerless he would be against the Zoldyck's and decided to stand down. Illumi wanted to be free. He envied Killua more than anything. But he lived him. He loved him so he wanted to protect him. He saw how his parents let him go, and he cried. He suffered. He was in pain. He wanted to be in that position as well. He wanted... everything he couldn't have.

You went down on your knees to pick him up. He was weakened. He couldn't move. You hugged him, feeling his heart beat on yours. He was calm. You whispered in his ear. "I'll save you. I promise I will set you free. You deserve every bit of it. I'm sorry i acted that way. I love you Illumi."

He was asleep in your arms. You carried him to a car parked outside the base and took him to your house. You left a note telling him where you were and where he was. When you returned back to the base, you met back with Chrollo.

"How is he?"

"He needs me. He needs to be set free. I want to save him from that manipulation."

"I agree. He doesn't deserve that. But we should tell them."

"Tell who what?"

"The troupe."

"Oh right."

Chrollo called everyone to the main hall, and everyone waited patiently.

"Alright, big news. Huge actually. I want you all to listen close." He saw everyone starting at him in admiration.

"Chai'anne will be joining out troupe starting today.  Her number will be the same as mine. We will work as one. When i cannot be here, she will. When she cannot be here, i will. She will give you orders, i trust her to make them. She will also act as one of you while i am here. Questions?"

Feitan raised his hand. "Where will she stay? No more rooms."

"She will stay with me." Whistles sounded all around the room, mostly by the boys. You smiled and laughed. "Annie, can you go to Shizuku's room to get your tattoo done?"

"Oh yes! Of course."

After your tattoo was done, you went to talk to Chrollo, in his room. When you walked in you saw no one there. You simply went to his bed and laid down, ready to go to sleep. Right when you were starting to doze off you felt hands touch the sides of your hips, sliding closer.

"You weren't thinking of going to sleep yet were you?" Chrollo whispered into your ear, nibbling at it softly.

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