A Perfect Night

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(A/N: i highly recommend listening to the song "Die for you- the weeknd" also in the next slide, next to the picture. It adds to the mood ^.^)

Hisoka, also mostly known as the crazy perverted magician, was only a character. He never actually acted like this, even though he was extremely confident, he never killed for the fun of it. You knew this better than anyone. After all he went through, he  simply wanted to be the strongest, to protect the weak. Because in truth, he was weak. Or at least used to be weak. He saw his family be ripped away from him, he saw numerous amounts of loved ones leave his side, he was stripped away from happiness way before he even knew how to compare happiness and sadness. At this point in his life, he didn't do it for revenge, or to prove himself or others. He did this to pay respect to the dead, and more or less, out of routine. He never actually liked fighting and he avoided it as much as he could, but slowly, it was unavoidable and it became like a drug to him. The only person who could put him back in place, was you. Chai. You were the person he loved. You were the only person who he had left, the person that was never stripped away from him. So he swore to protect you, even if it meant his death.

You were always self dependent, never relying on anyone, but the few times you did, you went to him. Your 'emotional sponge'. And now here he was, yet again, for your aid. Did you care? No. Of course not. You loved him just as much as he did. And as much as you tried, you couldn't help but feel the need to have him close. Was this simply routine? Or was this something different? Maybe he's the o-

"Helloooo? You there?"

You totally got lost in thought and forgot he was at the door.

"I'm so sorry i was uh.. cleaning up" lies.
"Mhm cleaning, anyways, you're fine princess, so what did you need?"
"I HATE ILLUMI" You let out a muffled scream
"Oh uh nothing um, let's go up to my room, it's warmer up there" You said.
He happily followed behind you.

The room had a big sliding window, with the view of the lake from afar and the woods beneath the cabin. The place was set up for your liking before you had gotten there, so you had no need to decorate. You had hanging plants from the shelves and fairy lights all along the walls, you also had a tons of vinyls and you were playing soft jazz, such a perfect vibe. The bed had black sheets, you always loved the look of them, and red over-throw blankets.

You invited Hisoka to sit on the bed, but he went to the window.

"What a pretty view... reminds me of that one tim-"
"What? Why? Are you ok? You've been acting strange since you left."
"I just... can we cut the small talk?"
"But you love small talk" He said smiling widely
"Yes i do, but that's not what i need right now."
"Ohhh~ so you're searching for a different type of attention huh?"
"Im just saying" It was normal for him to joke about this at this point.
"Can we just like.. i dont know lay down and watch a movie?"
"You want cuddles?~"

It was perfect in fact. The lights from the city from far away were still lighting up the sky which made it a light blue. There were some clouds, but not too many. There were tons of starts too. It was a little cold, so blankets and a movie would be absolutely perfect. Hisoka was wearing a black sweater and some grey sweats, and you were in your pjs.

Your only plans for that night were being around your favorite clown, watching a movie, and drowning with his scent while you drifted away to sleep. He motioned for you to come lie on him and you did just that. He was already under the blankets, which made you really happy. He had played a cartoon movie that you both enjoyed watching when you were younger.

About 30 minutes had passed and you were already drifting to sleep when you felt his hand on your chin. He was lifting your face up towards his. As he leaned in closer and closer you started to feel his breath on your lips.

As far as you knew, he had never had a girlfriend, He had never seen anyone. You had no real reason to feel jealous. But you couldn't help but feel overprotective over him. You wanted no one to have him. You wanted to be the only person to experience this. With him. His touch was so gentle, his scent was so soft. His skin was so warm. He was home for you. While the moon shined as bright as ever and the music from the movie played he whispered "Go sleep princess, i'll stay here, watching out for my girl." And with that his lips touched yours. Sparks flew all inside you. You felt your heart racing but it was oddly pleasing. You felt his hands go behind your head, and you couldn't help but tear up a little. After what you just experienced with Illumi, feeling unwanted, this is just what you needed. His lips were to gentle and so soft. You could feel he didn't want to break the kiss, and neither did you. You wanted more of this, in fact, you needed it. He broke the kiss and made up with a big kiss on your cheek before he laid  you on his chest yet again. Without even a second thought, you fell into deep slumber.

As the movie went on your phone got a message.
"We need to talk."

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