Novice Poets Endure

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Novice poets crowd social media,
Everyday I find one of you,
Such potential to ignite the flame,
Work that deserves merit!

What misfortune for your circumstances,
Little attend your writings,
For your persistence is siphoned
By prioritizing popularity above all.

Many of you don't stay poets for long,
Having witnessed many achieved success,
Such discouragement
Leading you to surrender.

You got no problem with the lottery,
For you have transactions every week,
Gambling to make a fortune,
So what's your excuse?

You scratch a ticket,
Matching all winning numbers,
Euphoric about winning,
Only to be mistaken.

You scribble thoughts on paper,
Playing with the diction,
A strenuous effort,
That should suffice to be pleased.

Similar fantasies you have for both,
One you actually invest time and effort,
The other you simply scratch,
Your goal to become a millionaire.

If only you put the same passion
For the lottery you have on poetry,
Maybe you'll actually get somewhere,
Such work to be commended.

You probably have a job,
Thinking that you are going nowhere,
Compare that to what you're gambling on,
Your job's not as stagnant as you think.

Take a look at the accomplished,
This time a really close one,
Tell me about their failures,
Past and present.

When you do reach the top,
Never forget your roots,
For your roots is key
To inspiring your community.

Novice poets crowd social media,
Everyday I find one of you,
Such potential to ignite the flame,
Work that deserves merit!

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