Meaningful Connections

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Here's to my own take of Shakespeare's "To Be Or Not To Be" speech with a topic that's most relevant to me.

To make friends or not to make friends?
That is the question.
Whether I should take the risk
And put my faith in this person
Or play it safe and give into my pessimism.
Solitude is something I am familiar with,
But being surrounded by people I am not.
Advantages that come with being alone:
I am safe from betrayal, disappointment,
And above all,
I don't have to worry about anyone but myself.
I am my own boss with the path I forge.
Why the dilemma?
The voices mumble psychological nonsense.
I try to ignore it, but they get the best of me.
It's my lust for friends hurting me.
If only I wasn't human,
If only I could modify my brain,
I could change myself.
It is too bad I cannot,
So deal with the life I must.
I tried my best to make friends,
To make the ideal view of friendship a reality:
The idea that friends are another family,
But to me it's merely an alliance.
We're only there for a common goal.
Once the goal is fulfilled,
We must find another to accomplish
Or we all fall apart.
What must I do?
What's real to other people isn't real to me.
Do I keep trying to make friends
Or embrace a life of solitude?

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