Poetic Passion

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You and I,
We are two poets,
What we want to get
Is recognition.

My emotions,
Clouded by this desire,
How I want to go higher,
And get jealous when you're ahead.

The reverse happens,
You're happy for me,
I now realize it's unfair,
While you praise me,
I tear you apart.

I seek to surpass,
If not, be your equal,
Whenever I do,
The status doesn't last.

You realize it too,
The unfairness between us,
No wonder you question
Our relationship.

We're not just two poets,
We are lovers
Tied by romance,
A trance
We refuse to escape,
Not fighters
Against each other,
Why we should be supporters.

I get jealous of your attention,
Makes me think you're better
At our shared passion,
Expecting you to rub it to my face
With your words being venom-laced.

I have a confession,
It's beyond my expectations
With your reaction,
For you reassure
In return
Instead of torture,
And count I learn
My lesson,
Effectively treating me an equal.

This you tell me exactly,
You say don't let the popularity
Define my poetry,
For it's got nothing to do with quality
Because the words have power
Alone every hour.

The reverse happens,
You praise my attention,
Make me feel very special,
That I've earned my place,
And as I listen,
I feel like the best.

I boast about it,
Say you're my inspiration,
The one who gives reason
For me to write.

People will call this unfair,
They'll tell you to return the jealousy,
To claim vengeance for my success
Because I tear yours apart,
Wanting you to turn my happy
Mood into melancholy.

I see it now,
Why you still bow
And show me praise,
You know returning the hate
Will only make it worse.

You may have more fans,
But never do you stand
So full of yourself,
Degrading anyone above or below,
Instead you treat them as equals.

I should be the same,
Perhaps this is my redemption,
What a shame
I didn't realize it earlier.

You do love me,
And I love you too,
But no longer can
I let my jealousy
Overpower this feeling.

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