Hospital Bed

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Hospital bed,
You're lying there anxious,
Sweat all over your body;
The doctor just stares at you,
No emotion whatsoever on his face.

You don't feel comfortable,
Not one bit,
For this doctor gives you vibes,
Such vibes that are negative.

To your concern,
The doctor only cares for his job;
He hasn't listened to your complaints,
Treatment procedures you rejected,
But he didn't care,
Didn't even spare time to offer reassurances.

The words you wanted to hear
Come out from his mouth,
The very words that show
He understands that the procedures
Will be painful, but beneficial in the end.

But at least you have family,
People always there for you,
Think about it,
The person next to you
May not have that benefit.

Comfort awaits from your family,
Always they speak words of comfort,
Even tell you funny stories,
Good memories you had with them,
They never failed to make you smile.

A sense of warmth,
This warmth is felt all over your body,
This warmth is different from
The one you feel with the doctor.

With the doctor,
You heart rises,
You want to run away,
But your family, on the other hand,
You just want to lie there,
Lie in bed until you're well.

Your family,
They make your stay bearable,
Assure you of your recovery,
Even make the hospital
Feel like another home.

Look to the positives,
At least when the doctor
Forces you into treatment,
You know you at least see your family,
Know you'll be out when you're well.

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