Earth Heals

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I stand in front of the waves
Sliding across the sand
As it homogenizes its rough texture;
It's convenient to walk without sandals,
But not for long,
For it was merely a sliver of luck;
Another wave of the same intensity
Brings forth garbage;
I'm not exaggerating at all;
There's even a fish whose head
Is wrapped in plastic,
Wiggling as it gasps for water,
Several cans surrounding this creature;
Here comes a truck
Putting the same trash in the ocean
Because the landfills are filled to capacity.

A year later,
I am in front of the same waves
Sliding across the sand,
The very same smoothness in the past;
This time, it's ever-lasting,
For when more waves arrive,
There's nothing else rushing forth,
Only water homogenizing the surface;
There's not a single piece of junk,
Not a single animal suffering;
It's crystal clear!
I could walk without tripping,
I could without risking hospitalization;
The fresh air I breathe brings euphoria,
Overcoming my melancholy;
I could even jump into the sea.

In the months leading to my visit,
We have been told
To stay in our quarters,
Only wandering when necessary,
A limited time frame to cement it;
A plethora of businesses closed
Meant less electricity and gas used
To power the buildings,
And with it came several people
Conserving their rations,
Only consuming when necessary;
Going out meant risking sickness,
For there was this plague in the air,
Warranting the usage
Of masks for protection;
Being home bound meant
Less people in the streets,
Less cars in the streets,
Less people mindlessly littering,
Less garbage being collected,
And more time
For environmentalists to prevent
Every ounce of waste reaching the oceans,
A time for our world to rejuvenate!

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