Pride and Joy

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I have what I want;
Her appearance,
Her smooth, flawless skin;
It would be a shame
If she writes all over it.

I want to hold her,
Have her wrapped around my arms;
So what if my cheeks warm up,
Where the heat spreads all over my body
To the point I get knocked out?

She'll keep me awake,
Far better than any stimulant,
Not even coffee could compare
Because she always succeeds.

She's everything to me,
For she does everything I ask of her;
If that's not loyalty to you,
Then you don't know
The meaning of the word.

You say I have my doubts,
Assume I think about leaving her;
You're wrong, for I am better
Than everyone in her life.

Don't tell me to watch what I say,
Don't tell me how to love her,
Don't tell me a single word,
And don't even think about it,
For the only person who has the right
To speak up against me is her.

The girl's mine, and mine alone.
If anyone dares to take her
Away from me, it's going
To be a lovely competition.

I don't care what you say,
Her words over yours,
And my words to cement it,
For we are meant to be together.

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