Noble Guy

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Fancy last name,
Far more creative than my own,
If only your personality reflects it.

You disgust everyone
Who lays eyes on you,
But you don't see it,
For you respect no boundaries.

How could you?
You have a crush on this girl,
Or dare I say, an infatuation?
Call it however you want,
But your very actions speak
Way louder than words.

What is it that you do?
What exactly? Don't tell me
When I already know
Every single bit of detail.

You haven't seen this girl for years,
She treated you like a brother,
And one day, you two parted
Your separate ways.

Now, you see her again,
You're so excited to reconnect,
She is too, so both of you
Trade so many laughs
Until the day she stops
Answering your calls.

You wonder why,
You deny having done any wrong,
You even believe you've done
Nothing wrong, but take a look
At your text messages instead
Of having your friends stalk her.

But you don't heed my advice,
For you don't stop at using
Your friends to stalk this girl,
You even use her best friend
To get to her. How low
Could you possibly go?

You find ways to bother her,
Even send letters to her house.
Because she ignores you,
You invade her house with flowers.

Flowers! Are you kidding me?!
You even have a ring.
There you go proposing,
But she throws that ring
Out of the window
And burns the flowers to a crisp.

You're mad, you tell her
You're the only guy who gets her,
You say you're her one true love,
And to top it off, you call her
A poor excuse of a human
Being without you.

That's when the sirens blare,
And before you could even comprehend,
You are behind bars,
Charged for abuse.

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