Prince Charming

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This is a story about a girl.
She had a life ahead of her,
Even had an ambition so great
It defined her identity.

Her greatest ambition
Was to experience the very thing
Depicted in Disney movies
As the key to happily ever after.

She didn't just want to watch
Cinderella find her Prince Charming,
But also to experience
The same magic for herself.

She observed every guy,
From ones she knew well
All the way down to strangers,
Hoping to find the perfect match.

Stopping when she found the one,
The man of her dreams,
She took him without hesitation,
And they started dating.

They shared interests,
Had countless similarities,
Even finished each other's sentences,
And declared they were two hearts as one.

The signs were ideal,
So the girl deemed it time
To peel off layers of herself,
Unleashing her deepest secrets.

She told the guy
How her parents never
Showed her the same love
He showed her.

She told the guy
How people hates the real her,
How people shame her
For her empathetic nature.

She told the guy
How she always felt alone,
Even when around other people,
Even when around him.

With her secrets unleashed,
Her eyes met the guy's,
Hoping he will be the first
Person to accept her.

The guy's face was about
To meet her lips
When he shifted
His attention to her ears.

He whispered slowly,
Very slow, so she could
Comprehend every word,
And pushed her to the ground.

The guy sneered at the girl,
Said out loud what he whispered,
"You're a rotten girl whose
Only purpose is to take up space."

The words struck her soul
Like venom seeping past her skin,
And she looked at
Her true love speechless.

Before she could utter a word,
The guy was long gone,
Leaving her head down,
Shedding a river of tears.

She thought back to the Disney
Movies she watched every day,
And by the time she came home,
She threw her collection out the window.

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