Dark Fog

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She is the light to my darkness,
The one who reminds me
About the lightest aspects of me,
Even points out there lies a pure heart,
Hidden in the fog of darkness.

She explains that the fog
Is due to my heart rejecting the darkness,
Otherwise there wouldn't be this fog
As it would've colored my heart.

I didn't believe her,
Not until she placed her hand in my chest,
Tore my heart out,
And tossed it for close examination.

She told me to blow.
I did.
She told me to stare
I did.

She was right.
To my surprise, she was right.
The fog cleared up
For the moment of truth.

Under all that fog was a heart,
Not just a red heart,
But a white heart,
Symbolic of the purest heart,
Even purer than red itself.

The whiteness meant my soul
Was incorruptible despite every
Bad deed I ever committed,
Making me shed tears.

It displayed my soul's resiliency,
No wonder why I always felt remorse
For every bad deed I've done,
The remorse being far more
Powerful than my pride.

The fog returned,
Once more masking the whiteness,
And the girl told me the fog
Will only disappear once
I embrace the light.

She placed my heart back into my chest,
Pulled me into a hug,
And told me that we shall work together
In bringing out the best of me.

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