Place in Poetry

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These words written on paper
Are structured a certain way
Where their primary purpose
Is to have an empowering rhythm.

It's called poetry,
An interest that developed a few years ago,
And since then,
I've been unleashing poetry.

I had days where I wrote so much,
For those days were the best.

I had days where I wrote so little,
For those days were the worst.

I had days where I didn't write at all,
For those days were worse than worst.

One could say I have walked
Quite a journey with poetry,
And I'm still walking it
Because I have much to learn.

Reviewing everything I wrote,
I notice evolution at its finest
Where I went through various changes,
And it continues to evolve to this day.

Through experimentation of new styles,
I sharpen my skills as a poet,
Hoping I could one day
Have the world hear my name.

So, here I go to this day,
Continuing my scribbles
On paper until I have a poem
Worthy for the world to see.

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