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An affinity to the darkness.
I've had it all my life.
Don't you dare call it weakness
When I don't suffer self-strife.

The darkness gives me breath.
To tell me otherwise is wrong.
It gives me the power to cheat death.
Don't you see? I am strong.

You know what they say about might?
The very fact that everyone denies:
Might beats right,
So you better stop speaking lies!

When I conquer the world,
I'll have everything I desire.
You better call me lord
Or you'll be burned by fire.

Tempted to talk me out?
Why criticize my greatest passion?
I don't want to hear what you'll spout,
For this is my life's ambition!

An affinity to the darkness.
I've had it all my life.
Don't you dare call it weakness
When I don't suffer self-strife.

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