Summer Days

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The summer days are ahead of us;
That's when the sun is at its warmest;
Its rays will envelope everything in their path;
You will have to put on sunscreen
To protect yourself from UV irradiated skin;
You will have to carry a backpack
Full of previously refrigerated drinks;
The backpack should be capable
Of insulating the coldness,
A shelter to prevent the cold from escaping;
There will be ice cream trucks everywhere;
You'll have an urge to purchase
One after a long day exposed to the sun,
The very stuff loaded with a lot of sugar;
You will jump the bandwagon
By scheduling as many vacations as possible,
Hoping to have a lot of fun;
You will go to the beach often
Just to get a picture to post online
To say you've been there;
You will go to all those amusement parks,
Particularly the water parks,
Waiting in long lines as you enjoy
A ride that's shorter than your wait time;
You will be cooking barbecue in the grill,
A very hot treat for a warm day,
Defeating the purpose of cooling down;
At home, you will have the air conditioner on;
You will try to sleep with the blanket on,
But you'll end up throwing it to the floor,
And let what little breeze
From your window caress your skin,
Assisted by your air conditioner;
Let's not forget daylight will be at its peak,
Starting as early as 5 in the morning
And ending as late as 8 at night.

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