Chapter 57: Awake!!

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Draco POV:
It's been about a year since the incident. Today is the day I marry Astoria. I don't want any of this, I need her to wake up soon. I decided to stop by Kathy's room to leave the letter next to her.

I kissed her forehead and said, "I love you, remember that". I walked down the stairs to find a Carriage and mother waiting for me. "You ready Draco", Mother said. "I don't want any of this, I just want Kathy", I replied. "I understand Draco but we can't risk getting sent to Azkaban", she said. "Yes mother", I said faking a smile.

Kathy POV:
I've been stuck on this bed for so long. I've been so bored. The only part of the day I enjoy is when Draco comes and visits me. I was deep in thought when I heard the door open.

I smelled the peppermint scent and I instantly knew it was Draco. He sat down on my bed and started talking about today. It was his wedding day. I was trying my hardest to move but nothing. He told me he loved me and walked out of the room.

I heard the door downstairs close. I can't believe it the love of my life is getting married to another woman. I felt anger and sadness inside of me when I thought about it.

That's when I felt it. My hands moved. They were actually moving and I could feel it. I felt my eyes flutter open, and I could feel my body again.

I slowly got out of the bed when the door was opened. It was Clover the Malfoy house elf.

"Ms. Parkinson you are awake what a lovely surprise we missed you terribly", Clover said. I gave him a hug and said, " Where is Draco?"

I saw a frown on his face. " I'm sorry Ms. Parkinson, but Master Draco has left to marry Astoria Greengrass", he said.

"Clover, you need to take me to them, they can't go on with this wedding", I said. He nodded and was ready to apparte but stopped near my desk.

"Master Draco has left this letter for you when you wake up. I believe it's the right moment to read it,'' he said, handing the letter to me.

I thanked him as he left the room to give me alone time to read it.

I sat down on the bed and started reading: 

Dear Kathy,
I have decided to write this letter to you, just so once you wake up, you'll have a good understanding of everything that has happened since you were gone.

The day of the war you were hit with a spell right when you said you weren't going to join our side. You collapsed to the floor. Your eyes were shut, your skin was super pale, and you weren't waking up. That's when I realized you'd been hit with a sleeping curse. Mother and I decided to take you to the Manor. Where you slept in the guest room next to mine.

I don't know if you're ever going to wake up and read this letter, but I wanted to say that Astoria's mother blackmailed my mother and I, she said if I don't marry her daughter I would have to go to Azkaban. I had no choice. I don't want to marry her Katherine, I want to be with you, you are the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with, including our future children. I've told you this before, I'll tell you again, I want to live my entire life with you Katherine. 

I've been waiting everyday for you to wake up and I'll keep waiting  however long I have to becauses I love you. Your my world, you are my life and soul, you will forever be mine. You're my first and last love. You gave me everything to take me out of my darknest, you brought me to the light. You showed me that true love exists and I'm so happy to have found you when I did.  Loving you opened me to so many things in life I never knew existed. I hope one day you wake up and we can get married, buy our own manor, have as many kids as you want, and grow together until the end. I will never say goodbye to you becauses I will love you forever. I remember the day you stepped foot into that fitting store, your beautiful hazel eyes looking at me. I remember you gave me a soft smile before I left.

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