3 | Attention Whore

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Although I was expecting a little more attention than I was getting today, I was still moderately discussed. That may have just been because I was one of the "two pretty new girls" that people have been wondering about all day, or because I've just been a stuck-up bitch to everybody that looked unworthy of my kindness. Whichever, I did get the chance to give out my phone number a few times, to a few people.

I met a kid named Makai, who was in my Biology class. He was good-looking, but he wasn't an athlete. That didn't matter in this case, however, because despite that, Makai is still very popular here at Norwood. He's a drug dealer.

I've figured that for now, I'll need a boyfriend, especially if I want to win prom queen. I'll flirt with other guys on the low when I can, but I need a main. Seeing that I can't stand bitches, I'll have to rely on guy votes more than female ones to get the crown.

It was the end of the day and as I tried to walk to my car, I once again saw Nova, and you wouldn't believe who she was with! Actually no, you would believe it, because they've been stuck to each other all day. What the hell does Nick see in that girl?


"I know that this may be too early, and I hope I'm not overstepping my boundaries, but can I get your number?" Nick asked me as I looked down at my feet, nervous.

I don't have much experience with boys, they've always thought I was weird, and when they did like me, it was because they wanted to take my virginity.

"Too early?" I asked curiously. I looked at Nick for a split second. He looked panicky as if he said the wrong thing.

"Erm, well not 'too early' as in for a relationship or something, I meant that we just met-" I quickly began laughing, although shyly and in an attempt to be cute, cutting off Nick.

"I know what you meant," I said, starting to feel a little more comfortable. Knowing Nick was a human who also panicked and slipped up at times made me feel better. I mean, of course I knew he was human before, but up until now, he was perfect.

I typed up my number in my phone and handed it to Nick, who then seemed that much more relieved than he previously was, although he should've already been relieved when I laughed and told him that I knew what he meant. Once he was done copying my contact information, he looked up.

"Let me send a text now just so I know you're not playing me" he joked, and I smiled.

"Whatever you're comfortable with" I replied.

My phone dinged, with a "hey" and Nick was content. "Hug?" he asked, as he was already pulling me into one. I gave him a side hug, because I was awkward, and we parted our separate ways.

I practically ran home in excitement. It appeared that Nick had a genuine interest in me. A boy likes me! Once I thought about it, I then tried to stop thinking about it, because I feared that if I thought too much about it, I would jinx it.

Almost as if my thoughts had power, my phone lit up. Nick was video-calling me.

"Shit, shit, shit!" I exclaimed as I bounced around my room, trying to make it look a little more presentable. "Hey!"

"You know you don't have to get all cute for me, right?" Nick asked, and I raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean? This is how I always look."

Nick gasped, although I think his gasp was fake. "Oh wow, then I guess you're just a natural beauty," he said, smiling. A part of me appreciated Nick's extra flirty effort, but another part found it cringe. What if he was like this with like, every girl?


After talking to Nick for a few hours, I told him that I wanted to make some friends. So far he had been talkative, never running out of things to talk about, and I liked that. I was this shy, "I can't think of anything" type, so I appreciated his effort to get some conversation out of me.

"This is Maddie," he said, as his phone seemed to glitch for a second. I soon realized that it wasn't that his phone was glitching, it was that he added this Maddie person to the call.

"Hey!" Maddie said cheerfully, "I heard you're new here. How are you liking it?"

"So far so good" I responded in a quiet but upbeat manner. I studied Maddie's appearance, as I did everybody else, and realized she kind of looked like a female, white Nick. She was a spitting image of Nick, just with long blonde hair, lighter skin, and different-colored eyes. As pretty as I found Maddie to be, she didn't appear cocky or overly confident. I guess the girls at Norwood didn't quite understand just how good-looking they were.


After Nova, Maddie, and I talked in a group video call for about an hour, Nova left us. She told us that she had to go spend some quality time with her mom. That was either a blatant lie, or Nova is just a mama's girl, which is believable, to be honest.

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