12 | That's Squirt, Not Pee

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"Are you sure you don't wanna get a ride with me?" I asked Nova as she and I stood around in an empty hall at school. "It's really not a problem for me."

"I'm good!" she chirped, which I expected. Nonetheless, I was still bummed to hear that.

"Why?" I questioned my girlfriend, "you never let me give you rides home. Are you secretly embarrassed of being with me or something?"

Nova furrowed her brows at my words and viciously shook her head, "no!" she exclaimed, "I'm not."

"Then why can't I take you home? Cause it sounds to me like you don't want your mom to see me, or you have some other boyfriend in your neighborhood and you don't want to get caught by."

Nova looked at me, her mouth slightly agape as if she never expected me to accuse her of something like that. "No" was all she said.

"So then what is it?" I asked, "because if you don't tell me, I'll keep making crazy assumptions Nova."

"You're spoiled" Nova stated, walking away.

"Huh?" I called out, "what's that supposed to mean?" I asked as I followed behind her, "and even if I am, what does that have to do with anything?"

"It has a lot to do with everything" Nova voiced as she continued to walk, refusing to look back at me.

"You think I'm gonna have bad ass manners around your mother or something because I'm 'spoiled' and shit?" I questioned, "because if that's what you're afraid of, I can promise you that I'm not." Nova finally stopped walking and turned around to face me. She lightly bit her lip, looked down for a brief moment, sighed, then looked up at me.

"Why do you like me?" she wondered aloud. I raised an eyebrow. "Because I do" I shrugged at my girlfriend's unexpected question. "You're pretty, nice, fun to be around. I don't know, I just do."

"I'm not embarrassed to be seen with you, I'm embarrassed that you have to be seen with me" Nova said, confusing me. "Why?" I asked, "you're pretty."

"It has nothing to do with the way I look Nick" Nova subtly rolled her eyes, though I know she meant no harm by it. "Or my personality. I just feel we're too different. You're a high class kid who gets whatever he wants and lives in a pretty beautiful home. I'm a middle class kid who uses coupons and lives in a compound. That's why I don't receive rides."

Nova continued walking, but for a moment I didn't do anything. I was trying to comprehend what she said. "Wait!" I finally called out, as I ran over to Nova, whose face was a peachy color, as if she was embarrassed or something. "I don't care about where you live" I truthfully confided. "I'm not judgmental, and I understand struggles. Life isn't easy, and I know it hasn't been for you of all people, Nova."

Nova shrugged, seeming to calm down a little bit. "I guess" she replied, "but it's fine, really."

"Please Nova!" I begged. "I just wanna be able to spend more time with you. I think this will be great for us too, in terms of bonding."

Nova looked iffy, but then checked her phone and sighed. "It's already nearly eight" she stated, "and I don't wanna get kidnapped on the walk home. So fine, I guess a ride wouldn't hurt."

An ear to ear smile spread across my face as I joyously gripped my girlfriend's wrist and led her toward my car. I was hoping to meet her mother today, like actually meet because I did get to see her that day that Nova and I got suspended, but we didn't talk. Meeting her would be a big step for Nova and I.

I was trapped between wanting to take things slow so that I didn't freak Nova out, and wanting to be "that couple" that just loved on and kissed whenever. I didn't mind doing things with Nova, but I also didn't wanna scare her.

"Can we kiss again?" Nova asked, as if she could read my mind, as we got into the car.

"Of course!" I chuckled, with a genuinely happy smile following. "You don't have to ask that, you know." Nova smiled sheepishly as I placed a barrage of kisses on her lips and the surrounding area.

"I'm just not used to this" she whispered as I pulled away, patting my pocket for my phone.

"Like, I wanna try everything" she continued, "I don't know when I'll be ready though. How do you know when you're ready to do all of that?"

"I don't know" I answered with honesty. "You don't know if you're really ever ready, you just know that you're interested in those things. One day you just feel comfortable enough with somebody to do it with them." Nova nodded.

"Can we try some of that?" She asked, and I went wide-eyed, prompting laughter out of her. "I mean, not that, but I wanna know what all that stuff feels like. Like hickies, oral sex, stuff like that."

I mean if Nova didn't want it I'm sure she would've stopped me, but I took this conversation as her consent. It was dark and there were maybe three at most, cars in the parking lot. I leaned over, began kissing Nova, and lightly grabbed her neck as my other hand traveled under her shirt. She let out this attractive sound, although it wasn't exactly a moan, but it turned me on.

I began playing with Nova's nipple using my thumb, as my other hand was not lightly gripping her boob. She had small boobs, although not too small, but small enough to fit into my hand. It was cute.

There was enough room on the passenger's side for me to fit between the seat and the glove compartment side. As I swiftly made my way there, I lowered Nova's seat so that she'd be lying down. I removed my hand from Nova's shirt and unzipped her pants. "You good?" I asked to make sure. Nova nodded, "yeah" she spoke softly, "you can keep going."


I allowed Nick to remove my pants. He began rubbing my lady bits, which felt different but it was kind of nice. I opened my legs more, allowing Nick more entrance, and I felt a slight pressure as I quickly sat up. "What's wrong?" Nick asked.

"What was that?" I asked, "it felt like pressure or something." Nick laughed, "it was my finger" he said, "but if you don't want me to do that, I won't." I shook my head, "no you can, I just- I wasn't expecting that." I tried to relax again as I laid back against the car seat. Nick continued to switch between fingering my parts, and rubbing them.

I was so relaxed that I closed my eyes and allowed Nick to do whatever he was doing. I didn't know how much time had passed, but I knew that I suddenly felt this weird feeling, as if I needed to pee or was having an intense muscle spasm.

"Fuck" I let out, with Nick speeded up. I let out a light moan, and I couldn't even compose myself.

Finally the spasm tensed so bad that my legs stiffened and I practically peed on Nick.

"I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, "maybe I have something in my bag that can clean that." Nick shook his head, "sorry?" He asked, "All that means is that I did this right."

"Really?" I asked, "so I didn't pee on you?" Nick shook his head again, smiling. "That was squirt, a sexual release, not pee."


My mom was gone for work by the time that Nick brought me home, so the two couldn't even formerly meet. I promised Nick that he could give me a ride again in the near future so that he could possibly meet my mother sometime this week. I honestly have no idea what her work schedule looks like.

Once Nick was out of sight and I was in my house, I squealed and ran around like a little girl. "I'm not a prude anymore" I said to myself excitedly. "I really did it! I really fucking did it!"

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