11 | Unexplainable Feels

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I talked to Nick 24/7 during our suspension, despite all that happened. Thankfully, Nick only heard about the egging and didn't actually see my house or think to ask Jason where I lived. He promised me that we would get payback, but I assured him that I didn't want to. If we did that, this situation would never end.

Today was our first day back at school and, as ridiculous as it may sound, I feared that Aubrey was going to dox me in the class that we share with Nick or something, given that she doesn't know how I feel about him potentially finding out where I live. Besides that, football season was now officially underway, so I didn't have Nick to help me anymore.


"Your boyfriend ain't here to protect you?" Aubrey asked as she approached me from the side, causing me to jump ever so slightly. I was waiting for Nick to meet me at his locker because I wanted to say a proper goodbye. I know, I'm gonna see him tomorrow so this is really dumb, but I can't help it.

"Protect me from what?" I folded my arms with forced confidence, "you're not gonna do a damn thing but egg my house." I admit? a part of me was practically shaking in my boots at my boldness, because I wasn't certain that Aubrey wouldn't do anything to me. But, I couldn't show fear. Someone like Aubrey, they probably thrive off of that.

"I don't mean from me, I mean in general" Aubrey said in a groaning tone. "But I see that you don't need him, because you still have a shitty attitude even when he's not around." I squinted at Aubrey, out of all people, she wants to talk about attitude? I sighed, quickly searching for a response in my head.

"Why are you talking to me?" I let out, pressing my back against the locker. "You don't like me, I don't like you. This is getting nowhere." Aubrey looked at me with unreadable eyes, the same ones that she had given me when she and Jason egged my house.

"I never said I disliked you" she nearly whispered, her blue eyes still staring deep into my brown ones.

"But I'll leave."

My head moved with Aubrey's body as she brushed past me. "I-" was all I managed to get out before Aubrey was out of sight. I raised both eyebrows, "talk about weird," I mumbled to myself.


"Why would you fucking do that?" I asked myself as I groaned and hung my head while walking into the school bathroom, pained with embarrassment. "She probably thinks you're fucking weird now."

Truth was, I didn't even know I had the ability to like, not be mean to Nova for once, but I couldn't help it. I had felt this weird urge to be gentle with my words and calm when speaking to her just now. Maybe it was because I egged her house and a part of my consciousness secretly feels bad.

I stood in the bathroom, palms against the rim of one of the sinks, leaning forward as I looked into the mirror. "Fuck" I whispered, as I thought about Nova, who seemed to be a fan favorite right now. She was everything that I wasn't, she was actually pretty. In fact, it seemed as if she got prettier and prettier every day. I would never admit it out loud but I knew it: she was better than me.

I stared deep into the mirror and examined my face. I had ocean blue eyes, very dark brown hair with some amber-colored strands, prominent cheek bones, sharp eyebrows, and looked exactly like what Nova had labeled me as: generic as fuck.

"I'm so plain" I whispered once more, shaking my head as I looked at the mirror and allowed a previously threatening tear to roll down my face.

"So plain."

Nova looked foreign or just multi-ethnic—which she most likely was, and, even in media outside of Norwood High, that was just in right now. She didn't look like every other girl you see, she had features that left you wondering. I couldn't say the same.

"Aubrey?" I heard a familiar voice ask as I squeezed my eyes shut. I was so deep in my painful thoughts that I couldn't recognize whose voice I was hearing at that moment. I took a deep breath, opening my eyes as I saw a tear fall straight down from my face and into the sink. I looked up at the mirror to see who was behind me.


"What are you doing here?" I asked as I quickly snapped my head back to face Nova, startling her.

"I heard you talking, so I came to see what about I guess, and I saw that you looked sad" Nova spoke in a soft tone, giving me a sympathetic look. "I just wanted to see if you were okay."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm fine. Can you leave?"

Nova folded her arms like she's done when I saw her in the hall earlier, and leaned against a stall. "Is it hard for you to stay in character?" she questioned me, "because it seems that way."

I raised an eyebrow, folding my arms back. "I don't know what you're talking about Nova," I lied. "Whatever you've seen, that is who I am. This is my personality."

"It's not" Nova shook her head, easing up her physique and showing little to no expression, "but I won't argue with you about you. Feel better Aubrey." Without another word or even stare, Nova left the bathroom, leaving me to face my feelings that I couldn't understand. I was starting to feel inferior towards Nova now and I didn't get why.


Up until this point, I hadn't considered that Aubrey had feelings. As I got closer to the bathroom door and heard her degrade herself, I realized that she was nothing like what she tries to sell herself as.

I was always told growing up that the seemingly worst people usually have things going on that cause them to be that way. I had no doubt in my mind that Aubrey is struggling with something, causing her to push everybody away and be the superficial bitch she is. But, as exhibited today, it's hard helping people like her, because they're usually too proud and in denial.


"Hey man" Jason said as I caught a pass from George, my teammate. "Can we talk?"

"Impeccable timing" I answered sarcastically, as I hurled the ball back. "We can talk later."

"It'll be quick and I won't stop you from focusing" Jason insisted, "I promise."

"You know it's bold of you to even speak to me after you fought me with no hesitation, and then harassed my girlfriend" I replied as the ball came my way.

"I know, and I came to say sorry" Jason admitted. "The harassing Nova part was all Aubrey's idea, she's obsessed with making Nova miserable. As with us, I don't wanna lose a friend."

"If you don't wanna lose a friend" I began as I threw the football back, "then maybe you should put a leash on your girlfriend. Seriously."

"I'll talk to her" Jason assured, "I promise."


Jason and I walked back together to meet Nova, which clearly caught her by surprise. "Oh?" she said as she saw us together, "hi."

"Hi" Jason replied shyly, "I came with Nick so I could apologize. I'll talk to Aubrey and get her to let you be, I promise. I'm really sorry Nova."

Nova shrugged, "it's cool, didn't bother me that much" she said, although I knew she was low-key lying. "But, you should see what's up with Aubrey."

"Why?" Jason and I both questioned. Nova shrugged again, which didn't help. "She was like, having this breakdown earlier in the bathroom. She didn't wanna talk about it but she was crying."

Jason nodded, "alright, I'll see what's up with that. Thanks Nova." He gave Nova a side hug, which I didn't mind, and did the handshake that we made up ten years ago, with me. "I'll see you around bro!" he called out as he began walking away, seeming stoked to be back on good terms.

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