17 | Girl Action

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"Wait!" I called out as I attempted to closely follow a pretty fast moving Aubrey. I didn't think she was gonna react like that, but what do I know? Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut next time.

I trailed behind Aubrey as she made her way through bigger crowds, smaller friend groups, and idle standing parents. When we finally got to the student section, it didn't take long for Aubrey to visually pinpoint the girl in question.

"Who the fuck are you?" Aubrey aggressively asked, turning a few surrounding heads.

"I'm Britney" the girl answered as if she'd already had a run-in with Aubrey. Britney casually sized Aubrey up as she answered her. "And you are?"

"I'm Jason's girlfriend, Aubrey" Aubrey stated with evident hostility. "So take that fucking jersey off, because I know you aren't his mother. Although, you look old enough to be." I went wide eyed and so did the others sitting around us. I wasn't expecting that.

"Jason actually gave me this jersey this morning" Britney snapped back, "when I was at his house. That's right, I still see him. A pretty face can only go a long way, but not long enough when your pretty doesn't compare to Jason's standards."

At this point the game was close to ending. I looked at the time and saw there was about 4 minutes left, which made me sincerely regret telling Aubrey even more. If I had kept my mouth shut, this day would've ended smooth sailing.

"And what makes you think you're attractive?" Aubrey asked, getting in Britney's—who had an inch or two on her—face. "Being blonde only means you're a dumb ass, and maybe even a slut."

I took another glance at the time, "two minutes and forty-nine seconds" I whispered to myself. I was hoping at this point that Jason would run over here and diffuse the situation the second that time ran out, but I knew the odds of that weren't likely.

"Oh you bitch!" Britney yelled while reaching for Aubrey's hair. Aubrey had the same energy and literally tackled Britney before yanking her hair as well. Aubrey was evidently stronger, but Britney tried to use her size advantage, though it didn't really work. How this scuffle hadn't been broken up at this point was beyond me.

I was so invested in the fight unfolding before me that I hadn't even noticed the game ended, or that Jason, Nick, and a few other teammates had ran over here to see what was going on. I was startled when Nick backed me up from behind. "Don't get involved" he advised.

I nodded, but we stayed put. Nick's mom was supposed to be here, and I'm sure she was somewhere, but we agreed that we wouldn't meet her until we were both here, meaning I wasn't gonna meet her until after the game. I was excited, but I couldn't focus on two things at once, so I paid more attention to the altercation in front of me.

Suddenly, unsure of what was said or did, Aubrey emerged from the crowd and headed towards the school. Nobody seemed to follow her, and I truly did care for her well being, so I chose to. I wanted to make sure she was okay.

"Wait" Nick called out, "my mom's coming."

I paused for a second, "I won't take long" I promised, "I just wanna make sure she's okay, you know?"

Nick nodded, though reluctantly, and let me go. I dashed through the crowd of people, following behind Aubrey from a distance.

"Aubrey!" I nearly screamed out, once I was tired of Aubrey running, "can we talk? What happened?"

Aubrey stopped and turned around, "did you not see any of that Nova?" she asked harshly, as I shrugged.

"Jason has a side bitch, and she's actually pretty!" Aubrey exclaimed as she practically threw herself on a patch of grass that we had been standing near.

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